Are there any Chinese-language children's shoes? Please translate this ancient text. Thank you~

On Dingmao Day in the ninth month, Duke Huan’s son Zitong was born. A grand ceremony was held in accordance with the specifications for the birth of a prince: the son was received with a Tailuo ceremony, and a master was selected through divination to let him hold the baby. , letting his wife nurse the baby. Duke Huan, Qi Jiang and the wife of the doctor with the same surname named the baby. Duke Huan asked Shen Sui about naming. Shen Sui replied: "People's names are divided into five categories: Xin, Yi, Xiang, False, and Lian. Names based on the characteristics at birth are Xin, names based on words expressing virtue are Yi, and names based on similar objects are Xiang. Borrowing the names of things is false, naming with words related to the father is inappropriate. Do not use the name of your own country, do not use the official name of your own country, do not use the name of your country's mountains and rivers, do not use the names of related diseases, and do not use the names of livestock. Do not use the names of objects and gifts. People in the Zhou Dynasty used taboos to worship gods. People's names do not need to be taboo during life, but they need to be taboo after death. Therefore, when naming a country, you must abolish the person's name, and when naming an official position, you must change the official name. Naming means changing the names of mountains and rivers. Naming animals cannot be used for sacrifices, which is equivalent to abolishing sacrifices. Naming utensils and gifts cannot be used for sacrifices and gifts, which is equivalent to abolishing various etiquettes (for example) in Jin Dynasty because of the Marquis of Xi. His name was Situ, and the position of Situ was abolished (changed to Zhongjun). In the Song Dynasty, Sikong was abolished (renamed Sicheng) because Duke Wu of Song Dynasty was named Sikong. In our Lu State, because Duke Xian and Duke Wu were named Ju and Ao, The names of Jushan and Aoshan were changed. Therefore, we cannot name them after big things." Duke Huan said, "If this child is born on the same day as me, let's call him Tong."