I want to have a girl group whose name starts with a, which sounds nicer.

Aaliyah, extremely high status/status, rising female Arab

Aasia female India

Aba female African born on Thursday

Abbra Examples, lessons for women

Abby abbess, temple abbot female Latin

Abella child female Assyria

Abeni blessed girl female Africa

Abey leaf female Native American

Abha dazzling beauty female Indian

Abhilasha female Indian

Abia great female Arabia

< p>Abiba child born after grandmother's death female African

Abigail abbess, father of pistachio female Latin

Abina female Ghana born on Tuesday

Abiona female Yoruba born on the journey

Abira strong female Hebrew

Abra father of the people female Hebrew

Acacia prickly, Innocent Female Greece

Acadia Lower Judge, Caddy Female Canada

Acanit Hard Times Female Uganda

Acantha Prickly Female Greece

< p>Accalia female Latin for the adoptive mother of the founding king of Rome

Acedia female Czech

Acelin noble female Teutonic

Achal solid, mountainous female India

Achazia God controls the female Hebrew

Achen twins female Uganda

Achit female India

Achlys fog, darkness female Greece< /p>

Ada Decorative Feminine Hebrew

Adah Decorative Feminine Unknown

Adalgisa Noble Vow Feminine Old English

Adalia God is my refuge , noble person female Hebrew

Adamina daughter of the earth female Hebrew

Adara beauty, virgin female Greece

Addie joyful, gracious female

Addisyn female

Adelaide noble nature female Hebrew

Adelina noble female Old German

Ademia female without husband Greek< /p>

Adena delicate, delicate female Hebrew

Aderes female Hebrew who protects others

Adesina female Yoruba

< p>Adhira lightning female India

Adiana The fall of night shows the beautiful female America of the angels

Adie decorative female Hebrew

Adina noble, docile , delicate female Hebrew

Adine delicate, graceful, sensitive female Hebrew

Adishree noble, noble female India

Aditi Free, unfettered female India

Adiva Comfortable, gentle female Arabia

Adolfina Sublime heroic female Germany

Adona female

< p>Adoncia sweet, dear female Spanish

Adonia beautiful female Greek

Adora beloved female French

Adria Adrian's female

Sexually named female

Adrienne female Greek from the city of Hadria in northern Italy

Aeryn female

Afina blueberry female Romanian

Afra from Latin for women from Africa

Africa Likeable, pleasant Celtic women

Afton Afton (name of the river) Old English for women

Agatha good, kind, benevolent female Greek

Aglaia wisdom, glorious female Greek

Agnes innocent, pure female Latin

Agneta pure, pure female Greece

Ahava Ahava (name of the river), friendship female Hebrew

Ahimsa non-violent virtuous female India

Aida and help, reward female Old English

Aiesha female Arabic

Aijah female

Aila female Finnish

Aileen female Greek

Ailsa Alfsigr (personal name) Island female Hebrew

Aimee favored, lovable female Latin

Ain precious, cherished Women of Arabia

Aina Complicated, difficult childbirth women of Yoruba

Aine Joy of women Celtic

Ainhoa ??Women related to the Virgin Mary (Mary) Basque

Ainsley Hermitage in a clearing or forest Female Scotland

Aintzane Glorious, brilliant female Basque

Airlia Light, Like air, heavenly female Greece

Aislinn dream, dream, inspired female Celtic

Aissa grateful, happy female Africa

Aithne little flame Feminine Celtic

Aiyana Eternally Flourishing Feminine Native American

Aja Feminine

Ajay Unconquerable Feminine Indian

Akaisha Akai Akanksha Female Ireland

Akanke To love her is to understand her Female Nigeria

Akanksha Female India

Akasma White Rose Female Turkey

Akela Noble Feminine Hawaii

Akilah Intelligent, Logical Feminine Arabic

Akili Wisdom, Wise Feminine Tanzania

Akilina Eagle Feminine Latin

Akiva Protective Female Hebrew
