The name of Kunning Palace comes from the original text of Tao Te Ching, which means that the sky is high and the clouds are light, the ground is flat, the gods are full of baths and Hou Zheng. In ancient times, the status of the queen was relative to that of the emperor. She was the most distinguished woman in the world. The emperor is heaven, the queen is earth, the emperor is dry, the queen is Kun and the queen is the only one in the world. The queen's bedroom was taken from Tao Te Ching, and Kun got a better one, so it was named Kunning Palace. Similarly, heaven also has a clean, emperor's bedroom named Gan Qing Palace.
There was a concubine named Shao in Ming Xianzong, but she was not made a virtuous princess. First she was named Chen Fei, and then she was named a noble lady. She introduced Teachers College, Qi and Yong.
Zhu Houzong, the son of Zhu Shiyuan, the King of Xing Xian, became the emperor and made her the queen, saying, "Filial piety, Wellcome, Su Wen's benevolence and righteousness, Shun Xie, God bless saints, and don't worship guanyin temple". In July of the seventh year of Jiajing, it was renamed Xiao Huikang, Su Wen Renyi, Shun Xie and Tiantai Empress Dowager. In the end, he became the holy queen of filial piety, Wellcome, Su Wen Renyi and Shun Xie God bless.