(1). Gong Yin and residual sound in pentatonic scale. "Book of Rites Jade Algae": "The ancient gentleman must wear jade, and the right corner left the palace feather."
(2) Use tones. During the Southern Dynasties, Shen Liang made an agreement in Answer to Lu Jue: "Since ancient times, I have resigned from people. Don't I know the difference between Gong Yu and Shanghai? Although I know the difference between five tones, there are many changes. " Pan Zheng, Biography of Sui Shu Literature: "Li Deng's Sheng Lei and Lu Jing's Yun Ji were judged to be clear and turbid, and then Gong Yu was divided."
sounds of nature
Scorpio, the voice of nature, the natural voice of everything. Such as wind, birds, running water and so on. It also refers to the natural taste of poetry. From Zhuangzi's Theory of Everything: "Women listen to people's voices but don't smell them, and women listen to people's voices but don't smell them!"