Please give me the name of a novel with a main character named Xingyu! Fantasy!

Interstellar Journey: Earth Defense Battle_200_Related Works


"Ugh...I feel dizzy..." Zheng Xingyu felt that he... .Thinking about the scenes in TV movies where robots destroy humans,...


I have read many novels about telepathy...

"Baby allomother is originally a variant of Babiworm

Game-Competition "Immigration to the Tang Dynasty"

Author: Mingshi Mingyue

( Completed)_

Online Novels

9 replies - Posted on: March 9, 2010

Online Novels

gt; gt;

...Human civilization will come to an end at this point.

Mankind built a virtual world decades ago, and many people immigrated to it, and... gathered on it. Qian's mutation... "Xingyu, Xingyu, what's wrong with you? Xingyu, you can hear...

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Qiwo Novel Network




Started on August 15, 2004


...He will open up mankind for thousands of years... Two warehouse managers followed the three Hercules robots and surrounded the spacecraft. Xingyu asked one of the warehouse managers

Tactical Genius


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Boiling Literature|Starting Point|Novel 520|Junzitang|16k|Liancheng ...

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...I don’t want to see human beings killing each other ” /p>