Lacey pleasant person female Russian
Lacy person from somewhere in Normandy female French
Lailie night beauty female Arabia< /p>
Lainey sunshine, light female English
Lakeesha Leticia's transformed female Africa
Lakeisha the beloved female Swahili
Lala tulip female Slavic
Lalasa loves female India
Lalima female India
Lalita female India
Lalo sings a lullaby, female Latin
p>Lan Orchid Feminine Vietnam
Lana Floating Feminine Polynesia
Lanette Feminine
Lani Sky, Paradise Feminine Hawaii
< p>Lanikai heavenly ocean female HawaiiLaquetta female Native American
Lara famous female Latin
Laraine seabird female Latin
Lari is a female with a laurel crown in English
Laria is a female in Greece
Larina is a seagull in female Latin
Larissa is from the city of Larisa, a happy female Greece< /p>
Lark Lark female English
Lata female India
Lateefah gentle, pleasant female North Africa
Latonia Apollo and Diana Latrice Latino
Laura Laurel
Laurel, LoralieLaurel
Lauren Laura Transfiguration of women
Laurinda wearing a laurel crown, praising women in Latin
Lavani noble, elegant women in India
Laveda innocent people in Latin
Laverna Spring, Old French for a woman who is like spring
Laverne Green, like a spring woman in Old French
Lavinia White, pure woman in Latin
< p>Laxmi female IndianLayna light, truth, truth female Greek
Leah sensitive, tired female Hebrew
Leah, Leigh tired, Bored female Hebrew
Leala loyal person female French
Leandra lioness female Greek
Leanne combination of names Lee and Anne female Anglo-Saxon
Leauna fawn female
Leba beloved, lovely female Yiddish
Ledah birth female Hebrew
Lee, Lea meadow Feminine Anglo-Saxon
Leigh meadow feminine Old English
Leila dark as night feminine Arabian
Leilani pretty flower, child of heaven feminine Hawaiian
emuela Hebrew woman dedicated to God
Lena seductive, charming woman Latin
Lene outstanding woman Norwegian
Lenita gentle, elegant Feminine Latin
Leola Lion Feminine Latin
Leonie Lion Feminine Latin
Leonora Light Feminine Greek
Leopolda Bold Leader< /p>