First open eclipse
Create a new java project with a random name
After choosing a name, click Finish
Right-click on the project name , create a new class
The name of the class is TextLength
The name of the package is com.zf.s2
Click Finish
First of all Determine whether it is a Chinese character
public static int getChineseCount(String s) throws Exception{//Get the length of the Chinese character
char c;
int chineseCount=0;
if(!"".equals("")){//Determine whether it is empty
s=new String(s.getBytes(), "GBK"); ? //Perform unified encoding
for(int i=0;ilt;s.length();i){//for loop
c =s.charAt(i); ?//Get each character in the string
if(isChineseChar(c)){//Call the method to determine whether it is a Chinese character
chineseCount; //Equivalent to chineseCount=chineseCount 1
return chineseCount; ? //Return the number of Chinese characters
Get the number of letters, numbers, and spaces
public static String getStringInfo(String s){
char ch;
int character=0, blank=0, number=0;
for(int i=0; i lt; s.length(); i ) //for loop
if((chgt;='a'amp;amp;ch lt;='z')||(chgt;= 'A'amp;amp;ch lt;='Z'))//Statistical letters
character; //Equivalent to character=character 1
else if(ch== ' ') //Count blanks
blank; //Equivalent to blank=blank 1
else if(chgt;='0'amp;amp; ch lt;='9 ') //Statistics
number; //Equal to number=number 1;
Full code
package com .zf.s2; //Create a package
public class TextLength {//Class describing the length of a string
public static boolean isChineseChar(char c) throws Exception{//Judgement Whether it is a Chinese character
return String.valueOf(c).getBytes("GBK").
lengthgt; 1; //The number of bytes of Chinese characters is greater than 1
public static int getChineseCount(String s) throws Exception{//Get the length of Chinese characters
char c;
int chineseCount=0;
if(!"".equals("")){//determine whether it is empty
s=new String(s.getBytes(), "GBK"); ? //Unified encoding
for(int i=0; ilt; s.length( ); i ){//for loop
c=s.charAt(i); ?//Get each character in the string
if(isChineseChar(c)) {//Call the method to determine whether it is a Chinese character
chineseCount; //Equivalent to chineseCount=chineseCount 1
return chineseCount; ? //Return the number of Chinese characters
public static String getStringInfo(String s){//Get the number of letters, numbers, and spaces
char ch;
int character=0, blank=0, number=0;
for(int i=0; i lt; s.length(); i ) //for loop
if((chgt;='a'amp;amp;ch lt ;='z')||(chgt;='A'amp;amp;ch lt;='Z'))//Statistical letters
character; //Equivalent to character=character 1
else if(ch==' ') //Count blanks
blank; //Equivalent to blank=blank 1
else if(chgt;=' 0'amp;amp; ch lt;='9') //statistical number
number; //equivalent to number=number 1;
return "There are "character" letters, "blank" spaces, and "number" numbers in the string;
public static void main(String []args) throws Exception {//Main entry method of java program
String s="hello world Hello world!!123*";
System.out.println( "The total length of the string:" s.length()); //Display the length of the string
System.out.println("The length of the Chinese characters in the string:" getChineseCount(s)); // Call the method to display the length of Chinese characters
Info(s)); ? //Call the method to display the length of other letter types