The phonetic symbols of Rosalina, Rosaline, ROSE, LENA and LYNN

Category: Education/Science gt; gt; Foreign Language Learning

Problem description:

Points can be scored by giving the phonetic symbols of the above words.

If you want to name Rosalina, you can use it as an abbreviation. Rosaline, ROSE, LENA, LYNN can be used as nicknames or all of them can be used as nicknames ``?~

The name Rosaline comes from Latin, referring to the blooming rose Rosaline (Romeo's first love)

Rose Rose ``` female name

LENA: "leen", "lena," "lina ," "line". LENA has two different images: a petite, lively singer or a stubborn, older Norwegian woman.

LYNN (Old English) waterfall, or pool. Yes The abbreviation of a name containing "lin", "line", "lyn", etc. Lynn is described as a tall, slender, healthy young girl with an independent and friendly personality.


/rc^sa:lina/Jossa (heavy) Lin Enna

/^roselin/ (heavy) Roselin

/^rous/ (heavy) day Ousi


(Heavy) is the accent