What does the name Peter mean? The Bible.

This question is very interesting.

Peter's original name is Simon BaJonah, which means Simon, the son of Jonah. Peter is named after the Lord Jesus, which means stone.

I hope my answer is helpful to you and can be adopted. thank you

St. Peter's Church


Synonym? Peter (early Christian leader) generally refers to St. Peter (Latin: Petrus, Greek: π? τρο? English: Peter, Spanish: Pedro, Peter, 1 year-about 64 /68), commonly known as St. Petrus, formerly known as Simon Carver (Syria:? , Shemayon Keppa), etymological rock (Hebrew:? ), Latin for Peter. One of the early Christian leaders, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, and the brother of the twelve apostles Andre.

Peter is also called Peter (translation problem). Catholicism translates into Peter in Latin pronunciation and Protestantism transliterates into Peter in English.

This is a portrait of Peter.