The day after reading the Bible, Isaac

Abraham was a hundred years old and got Isaac as promised by God. Before that, Abraham and Sarah had worked hard to get a child.

From this we can know that when we are dealing with a thing or a person, we can do whatever it takes to achieve our goal. In order to have children, Sarah gave her handmaid to Abraham as a concubine and drove her husband out. Abraham longed for his son. For the sake of his successor, he was blessed by God for many years. In order to obey himself, he chose to agree. Finally, because of Hagar's arrogance, there was a family conflict.

From here, I feel deep fear. From these events, we can see that people have poor control over themselves, just as we live in this world and may forget God at any time because of something we like. However, I know this is wrong, but I must carry it out.

Pray for God's mercy!

The birth of Isaac is the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord visited Sarah as he said, and did it for Sarah as he said. When Abraham was old, Sarah became pregnant. At the appointed time, she gave birth to a son to Abraham. Abraham named Sarah's son Isaac. On the eighth day after Isaac was born, Abraham circumcised him according to God's command. Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born. Sarah said, "God makes me laugh, and everyone who hears it will laugh with me"; And he said, Who could have told Abraham beforehand that Sarah would nurse her children? ? Because when he was old, I gave him a son. "(Genesis 2 1: 1-7 and KJV)

We often tell ourselves that anything is possible with God, just believe and don't be afraid. However, like Sarah, we also have children in Sarah, which is a joke to people. How can a person have a baby when his menstruation is broken and he is old?

So Sarah's skepticism is justified, but we can't look at God from a human perspective. God always gives us more than we think.

Therefore, since Sarah was born, I have learned to let go and entrust everything to God. Although I will still be afraid, I will still be worried because my request has not been answered, but I think God will always stand behind me, so I can rest assured and feel at ease.

Live in this land, and I will be with you and bless you, for I will give it to you and your descendants. I will strengthen my oath to your father Abraham. ? (Genesis 26:3)

As we all know, Ishmael, Hagar's son, was born to Abraham himself, and Isaac was born by God's promise. Therefore, although Ishmael is the eldest son, God's blessing belongs to Isaac.

So, now we are all descendants of Abraham, a group of people who can inherit the blessings of heaven. We can wash away all sins with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

At first, God chose us to leave the world and become people in the kingdom of God, just like Ishmael and Isaac.

Through Isaac, I strengthened God's omnipotence. Everything in the universe was created because of him, and our life was enriched because of him. We put aside everything in the world so that we can walk with God.