Omicron is mainly named after Greek letters and is uniformly determined by the World Health Organization.
The pronunciation of Omicron is ?ɑ?m?krɑ?n, and the pinyin pronunciation is: ào mì kè róng. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the new coronavirus mutation discovered in South Africa. The strain was named "Omicron" after the Greek letters. The name Omicron was determined by the World Health Organization and was not chosen just by whatever name it wanted.
It is understood that this is the fifth mutation of the new coronavirus pneumonia since the global outbreak. The first mutation was discovered in the United Kingdom in 2020 and named Alpha (Alpha); the second mutation appeared At the end of 2020, it was named Beta.
The third mutation appeared in December 2020, was detected in the Brazilian Amazon, and was named Gamma. Delta is a variant that appeared in India in early 2021, and has caused several rounds of local epidemics in my country. But the Omicron strain has a higher viral load and is more contagious than the Delta virus.
In May this year, the WHO announced the naming rules for new coronavirus variants, and the mutated new coronaviruses were uniformly represented by Greek letters. Friends who don't believe it can check the Greek alphabet. The previously mutated Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta are all Greek letters.