Information and knowledge about dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are a type of sauromorphs that lived in the Mesozoic Era. Dinosaurs can be divided into birds and non-avian dinosaurs. Among them, non-avian dinosaurs only lived in the Mesozoic Era (Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous) and were all extinct 65 million years ago. Strong limbs, long tails and huge bodies are the portrayal of some non-avian dinosaurs. They mainly inhabited forestlands or open areas on the lakeshore plain (or coastal plain). ?

In 1841, when the British scientist Richard Owen was studying several fossils that looked like lizard bones, he thought they were left by some kind of prehistoric animal and named them Dinosaur, which means "terrible". lizard".

Dinosaurs as a whole are very large. By dinosaur standards, sauropods are the giants among them. During the long age of dinosaurs, even the smallest sauropods were larger than other animals in their habitats, and the largest sauropods were several levels larger than anything that had ever appeared on the surface.

Extended information

The living habits of dinosaurs:

1. Foraging

The plants that herbivorous dinosaurs can eat are limited to Because of their height, some small herbivorous dinosaurs would stand on their hind limbs in order to eat leaves from higher plants. Carnivorous dinosaurs fed on herbivorous dinosaurs and other animals. The different foraging methods of various dinosaurs are also reflected in their teeth. ?

2. Struggle

The sharp teeth and claws are the weapons used by carnivorous dinosaurs for hunting. Tyrannosaurus dinosaurs would seek out lone herbivorous dinosaurs and often travel alone. Some dinosaurs would move in groups, lock onto their prey, swarm up, and use the claws on their second toes to cut open the prey's abdomen.

Herbivorous dinosaurs generally have some special "equipment" to deal with attacks from carnivorous dinosaurs. These equipment are sometimes tough leather armor, bone clubs or bone nails, and sometimes are powerful tails. Large herbivorous dinosaurs would act in groups and, if threatened, would collectively stand their ground and fight back.