The ashes are still sleeping, the old man is getting stronger, sitting drinking and talking about the moon, the star of righteousness shines, the twelve constellations.
High-ranking lich Kel'Thuzad, the Lich Lord of the Plaguelands, the Lich King's most important subordinate, was responsible for the spread of the undead plague in Lordaeron. During the Third War, he was killed. Arthas killed.
But Arthas still became a death knight as Ner'zhul planned, and brought Kel'Thuzad's bones to the Sunwell to be resurrected as a lich. He helped Arthas summon Archimonde the Defiler, the commander of the Burning Legion.
As of July 2019, Tencent Games has 94 mobile games, 17 client games, and 111 popular game products that have been connected to the health system. Tencent’s game growth guard platform has served more than 20 million users, and the game duration of 82% of bound accounts has declined to varying degrees. The latest statistics show.
Compared with the "Honor of Kings" game, which had more than 40 million daily active users before the public security real-name verification was enabled, the average game time of minor users under the age of 13 dropped by approximately 59.8%, and the average game time of minor users aged 13 and above dropped by approximately 59.8%. The average gaming time of underage users dropped by approximately 40.3%.