The reason why Genshin is called genshin in English is to allow netizens to better understand the meaning of "Genshin". This word is not entirely in English, because it is pronounced like this in various countries, so it is also People from all countries will understand this meaning.
Because the name genshin is not an English name, but is made from Japanese Roman pronunciation, it is easier for foreigners to pronounce and easier to understand and accept in terms of pronunciation. .
It is very simple for "Genshin Impact" to enter the Japanese market. The translation of Chinese character brands between China and Japan has always been mainly in the form of direct transliteration and replacement of pronunciation. Genshin Impact is the most popular in Japanese. The common pronunciation is げんしん, and written in Romaji it is genshin.
Game features:
1. Online system
In the game, after the player's adventure level reaches level 16, the multiplayer game option will be enabled, and he can play with his peers. Players in the regional server can connect online, and up to 4 people can be connected online. Players who are online will enter the world of the homeowner. The other three players can obtain various materials in the world of the homeowner, and can also challenge the secret realm together, but they cannot interact with NPCs.
If players are performing main missions or special missions, they will not be able to play multiplayer games. Players can only enter the worlds of players whose world level is equal to or lower than their own, and cannot enter the worlds of players whose world level is higher than theirs.
2. Collection system
The game has a vast map and a large number of resources for players to collect, and the collection methods of various resources are also slightly different. Generally, vegetation in the wild and prop points in towns will have flashing dots displayed. Players can pick them up by pressing the F key when they get close to them.
Ores and apples on trees need to be obtained through attacks. Attacks break the ores to obtain the corresponding mineral materials; attack the apple tree, and the fruits will fall from the tree, and then you can pick them up.