In addition to being boiled into a delicious and spicy snail soup to make the classic Liuzhou snail noodles, snails are often cooked with duck feet, pickled bamboo shoots, peppers, perilla, etc. This soup can be described as " "All the flavors are harmonious, fresh and spicy." Among them, the duck feet have fully absorbed the umami flavor of the snails, and the texture is smooth and smooth. The snails are crispy. The bean dip is very delicious when dipped in the soup. One bite is full of delicious flavor. This dish is Liuzhou’s famous snack---snail and duck feet stewed in pot.
Ingredients: 5 duck feet, 4 duck wings, 400g snails
Ingredients: appropriate amount of perilla, fake basket, ginger, garlic, star anise, grass fruit, pepper, bay leaves, Chili powder (powder), chili pepper (granules), soy sauce, sugar, oil, boiling water, salt.
1. It takes a few days to raise the snails after you buy them. If you buy them and raise them, you can cook them immediately. If you have not raised them before, they will have a lot of sand and mud and they will not taste good. Just put water in it after you buy it. Add less salt so that the snails can spit out the mud faster. Change the water several times a day. You don’t need to add salt every time. Just put it in for the first time. For the rest, just soak it in clean water. It’s about It can be eaten in two days. When eating, clean it, marinate it with salt and wine and wash it
2. Cut the duck wings in two, wash them and set aside
3. Prepare spices Good
4. Fry the duck wings in oil for a few minutes until the skin is dry. Liuzhou duck feet are all made with skin-on duck feet, which makes them more delicious
5. Casserole Add about 150 grams of oil, sauté the ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add the chili powder and spices to stir-fry the chili red oil, then pour boiling water in, the water must be hot, the casserole cannot be cold and hot at the same time, otherwise the pot will crack p>
6. There should be more water to cover the duck feet, duck wings and snails, and the water will reduce during the cooking process. Season with salt, sugar, and soy sauce. The soup should taste slightly salty
7. Put the snails in and then add the duck wings and feet. Do not cover the lid and cook over medium-low heat for 15 minutes.
8. Chop the perilla and fake baskets
9 , put it in the pot, cook for 15 minutes and then turn off the heat
10. Continue to soak in the soup for one day. I cooked it in the morning and soaked it until about 10 o'clock in the evening before eating it. After soaking for about 12 hours, the soup was not enough. You need to turn the duck wings and duck feet frequently, otherwise the areas that are not soaked on the surface will dry out and lose the flavor
Authentic snails and duck feet stew, you can always smell the unique flavor when walking in the streets and alleys of Liuzhou The fragrance of snails, the sour and spicy deliciousness lingering in the air, summer is here, Liuzhou people also like to meet up with three or five friends, drink beer, eat snails, chat and chat, the colorful nightlife is in the "greasy fingers" , mouth is spicy and refreshing" to spend time in the relaxed atmosphere