Long phrases, long phrases of Chinese characters.

1, many years [cháng nián lěi yuè] describes many years; A long time.

2, earnest [yǔzhòng xěn cháng] sincere words and deep feelings. This is [almost] bitter.

3. Encourage [zhù zhng] (dynamic) to help growth (mostly referring to bad aspects): Don't spread bad atmosphere. It has grown [grown] recently.

4. Patriarch [Zuri Wu] (name) The head of the family under the patriarchal clan system. It is usually filmed by the older, senior and powerful people in the clan.

5. Brother [zheng] brother. Used as a courtesy title for a boyfriend's friend.

6. Specialty [tè cháng] (name) The unique specialty of a certain aspect: His specialty is music. [near] expertise.