How to pronounce the pinyin of "婈". 婈, pronounced as: líng. This Chinese character is the name used for women in ancient times. The Kangxi Dictionary defines "Jiyun" as Lu Chengqie, with the pronunciation "匌". Female character.
婈's stroke order
***11 strokes, dot, stroke, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, stroke, dot, stroke, horizontal stroke/horizontal hook, stroke.
婈英, 婈萱, 婈仙, 婈璇.
The UNICODE encoding is U+5A48, decimal: 23112, UTF-32:00005A48, UTF-8:E5A988.
The character "婈" is located in the CJK Unified Ideographs.
Words with the same pronunciation as 婈
姈, 鲲, 彾, 彽, 夌, 刢, 骷, ?, 忾, 澪.
The character "婈" is used to name people
There are fewer people who use this character to name. The frequency of naming in the online character library is about 16 people; Tips for naming names with the character "婈": use the character "婈" as the first character. 67%. The last word "婈" accounts for 33% of the time, and it is mostly used at the beginning. Males account for 54% and females account for 46%. Men tend to use male characters. What is the meaning of the name with the character "刈": Generally speaking, not many people choose names with the character "刈".
The meaning of the name "婈": refers to the meaning.
English names for the character 婈
There are many English names for the character 刈, and they all sound nice. Here are some English names: Lisabet, Lisabette, Lisandre, Lisann, Lisaveta, Lisel, Liseli, Liseta, Lisetta, Lish
The meaning of the name "婈"
The word "婈" is used to imply the meaning of the name, and it has a general meaning.
Taboos in naming the character "婈"
1. The five-element attribute of the character "刈" is fire. According to the principle that fire overcomes metal in the five elements, it is taboo to name the character "婈" with characters that belong to the five elements "metal";
2. It is taboo to name the character "刈" with the same rhyme final "íng" or the same tone as "yangping", which makes it difficult to pronounce and has no sense of rhythm;
3. The taboo to name the character "刈" and Ancestors and elders have the same name. If the ancestor's name contains the character "婈", the younger generation is taboo to use the character "婈" in their name.