What is the phone number of Qiqihar Xinshengheyuan Food Co., Ltd.?

The contact information of Qiqihar Xinshengheyuan Food Co., Ltd.: company phone number 0452-6115099, company email 131008217782@163.com, the company has 5 contact information in Aiqicha***, including 1 phone number.

Company introduction:

Qiqihar Xinshengheyuan Food Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in Jianhua District, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province on April 14, 2004. Its registered address is in Heilongjiang Province Hongguang Village, Jianhua Township, Jianhua District, Qiqihar City.

Lu Zengqi, the legal representative of Qiqihar Xinshengheyuan Food Co., Ltd., has a registered capital of 1.5 million (yuan) and is currently in business.

View more business information and information of Qiqihar Xinshengheyuan Food Co., Ltd. through Aiqicha.