Meng is the eldest, Zhong is the second, and Ji is the youngest, just like January in the first quarter is Meng, February is Zhong, and March is Ji
Among ancient brothers and sisters Ranking from eldest to youngest, they are called: Meng (sometimes Bo), Zhong, Shu, Ji. There are three seasons, usually Meng, Zhong and Ji.
The ancients divided the year into twelve months, and the twelve months into four seasons, namely spring, summer, autumn and winter, with each season averaging three months. Therefore, there are the names Mengchun, Zhongchun, and Jichun; Mengxia, Zhongxia, and Jixia; Mengqiu, Zhongqiu, and Jiqiu; Mengdong, Zhongdong, and Jidong.
The same division method: a month is divided into Meng Zhongji, and Meng Zhongji is the early, middle and late days respectively.
Extended information:
There are several brothers in a family. When naming them, they intentionally use "Bo (Meng), Zhong". ", Uncle, Ji" and other words to show the order of elders and younger ones; this customary practice, if counted from the early Western Zhou Dynasty, has a history of at least two thousand years in our country.
"Bo" is the eldest, and "Zhong" is the second eldest. "Shuowen Renbu": "Bo, eldest brother." "Zhong, middle lord." Uncle is the third child, and Ji is the fourth child. For example, Sun Jian's four sons during the Three Kingdoms period: the eldest son Sun Ce was named Bofu, the second son Sun Quan was named Zhongmou, the third son Sun Yi was named Shubi, and the fourth son Sun Kuang was named Jizuo. This is quite representative of the naming after Bo Zhongshu Ji.
The two words "Bo Zhong" are used together, which means that they are almost the same and it is difficult to distinguish between them. The idiom is "not the same as Bo Zhong, between Bo Zhong".
Some of the eldest people in the rankings do not use the character "Bo" but use the character "Meng". Some people explain that "the eldest son is called Bo, and the eldest son is called Meng." This means that ancient nobles had polygamous wives. If the eldest son was born to the first wife, he would use the word "Bo", and if he was not born to the first wife, he would use the word "Meng". However, in fact That doesn't seem to be entirely the case.
Reference materials:
Baidu Encyclopedia-Meng Zhongshuji