1. The body surface landmarks of cadres are the sternum: manubrium sternum, body of sternum, and xiphoid process. Ribs: second to twelfth rib, first to tenth costal cartilage. Vertebrae: cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx. 2. Body surface landmarks of the limbs: scapula: acromion, scapular spine, and lower angle of scapula. Collarbone: full length. Humerus: medial superior malleolus and lateral epicondyle of humerus. Ulna: olecranon, ulnar head, styloid process. Radius: radial head, styloid process. Bones of the Hand: The backs of the carpal bones, metacarpal bones, and phalanges. 3. The body surface landmarks of the lower limbs are the ilium: iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, pubic symphysis, and ischial tubercle. Femur: Greater trochanter. Patella: Anterior. Tibia: The front edge of the tibia. Fibula: Head of fibula and lateral malleolus. Foot bones: tarsus, metatarsal, phalanges. Muscular signs on the body surface 1. Masseter muscle of the head and neck When the teeth are clenched, a hard strip-like bulge can be felt in the front and upper part of the mandibular angle and below the zygomatic arch. When the teeth are clenched, a hard bulge can be felt in the Nie fossa, above the zygomatic arch. Sternocleidomastoid muscle When the face is turned to the outside, a long bulge can be clearly seen diagonally from the front to the bottom and to the back and top. 2. Trunk trapezius muscle In the neck and upper back, the outline of the outer upper edge of the trapezius muscle can be seen. Latissimus dorsi The outline of this muscle can be seen in the lower back, and its outer lower edge participates in forming the posterior axillary wall. Erector spinae muscles are longitudinal muscular bulges on both sides of the spine. The pectoralis major muscle is a muscular bulge on the anterior chest wall, and its lower edge forms the anterior axillary wall. The serratus anterior muscle is on the lateral wall of the chest, and its muscle teeth can be seen in those who are well developed. The rectus abdominis muscle is a longitudinal bulge on both sides of the midline in front of the abdomen. In those with strong muscles, there are three transverse grooves above the umbilicus, which are the tendons of the rectus abdominis muscle. 3. The deltoid muscle of the upper limbs forms a bulging shape on the shoulder, and its insertion point is a small concave in the middle of the outside of the arm. Biceps brachii: When the elbow is bent and a fist is made, this muscle contracts and the swollen muscle belly can be clearly seen in the front of the arm. In the center of the cubital fossa, the tendon of this muscle can be clearly felt when the elbow is flexed. Triceps Brachii The long head of the triceps brachii can be seen on the back of the arm, just below the posterior edge of the deltoid muscle. Brachioradialis When you flex your elbow with a fist, you can see the bulging muscle belly of the brachioradialis at the elbow. Palmaris longus muscle: When the hand makes a fist, flexes the wrist and abducts it, the tendon of this muscle can be clearly seen in the middle of the palmar surface of the wrist and above the wrist creases. Flexor carpi radialis has the same action as the palmaris longus muscle mentioned above. The tendon of this muscle can be seen on the radial side of the palmaris longus tendon. The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle abducts the fingers forcefully. The tendon of this muscle can be seen on the ulnar side above the wrist crease and above the pisiform bone. The snuff fossa is on the dorsal side of the wrist. When the thumb is straightened and abducted, the abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis and extensor pollicis longus tendons can be seen from the radial side to the ulnar side. There is a deep depression between the two posterior muscle bellies, called the snuff fossa. The extensor digital tendon is on the back of the hand. When you straighten your fingers, you can see the tendons from this muscle to fingers 2 to 5. 4. Lower limbs Quadriceps In the front of the thigh, the rectus femoris is within the angle formed by the sartorius and tensor fascia lata. The vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles are located on the lower front of the thigh, medial and lateral to the rectus femoris respectively. The gluteus maximus creates a rounded shape in the buttocks. Biceps femoris In the upper outer boundary of the socket, its tendon can be felt and ends at the head of the fibula. The semitendinosus and semimembranosus are at the inner upper boundary of the fossa, and their tendons can be felt to insert at the tibia. The semitendinosus tendon is narrow, superficial and slightly external, while the semimembranosus tendon is thick, round and blunt. Located deep and medial to the semitendinosus tendon. Extensor pollicis longus When the thumb is stretched hard, the tendon of this muscle can be felt in front of the ankle joint and on the top of the foot. Tibialis Anterior Muscle The tendon of this muscle can be felt on the front of the ankle joint, just medial to the extensor tendon. Extensor digitorum longus When dorsiflexed, the tendon of this muscle can be felt just lateral to the extensor pollicis longus tendon in front of the ankle joint. When extending the toes, the tendons to each toe can be clearly seen on the dorsum of the foot. The triceps surae (gastrocnemius and soleus) are at the back of the calf. The swollen muscle belly of this muscle can be clearly seen, and it forms a thick cord-like Achilles tendon downwards, ending at the calcaneal tubercle.