Give yourself an English name.

Aaron, the towering mountains of Hebrew are in Allen; Inspired by god.

Abbott Aybout Hebrew paternal line; Great spirit.

The life of Abel Abramin; Take a deep breath.

Abner Abner is a wise man in Hebrew; Have intelligence.

Alan Allen Gail is harmonious; Handsome; Good looking.

Alston Austin, a British aristocrat.

Andrew Andrew is a Greek male, brave and fearless.

Andy Andy Greek male, brave, brave.

British leader barnett.

Baron Baron, a brave British soldier; Noble; Baron.

Beau, Bao Er, French man, playboy.

Beckbeck English flow.

Byron Byron's English country house loves nature.

Caesar Caesar, Latin emperor; Furry.

A follower or believer of the Greek Christ.

Christopher Christopher messenger or servant of the Greek Christ, expressed the meaning of Christians.

Claire Creaer Latin has a clear mind.

Greek aristocrat Cyril Cyril.

Dana Dana Britain is as pure and shining as the sun.

Daniel, Daniel, the Hebrew God is my judge.

Drew Drew Wells, a clever and honest man.

Duke of Latin; Leadership.

Dick Dick Germany is brave and bold.

Edison Edison Britain enriches itself by taking care of others.

Edward Edward, a wealthy property guardian in England.

Edwin Edwin, Fu You, England; The winner of the property.

Ellis, Ellis, the Hebrew God is the savior.

Elmer Elmer is a nobleman or a celebrity in Britain.

Elroy loves Roy, king of the Latin royal family.

Eugene Eugene, Greek, Latin, of noble descent.

Evan Owen Celtic, a man of noble birth.

Felix fenix is Latin for happiness or luck.

Gabriel Gabriel, servant of the Hebrew God; God's power is very powerful.

Gavin Gavin, Eagle of Irish War, Eagle of Victory.

Gene Gene Greek, Latin is of noble descent.

People who live in the forests of England.

Gustav Gustav Germany or Sweden War.

Guy's guide to reporting on Britain; Wise; Wood; A veteran.

Hale Hall, the heroic glory of England.

Harry Harry of Irish science; Have a gift for invention.

A small village in the mountains of France or Normandy; Bare hills.

Hardy Hardy is a brave and noble man in Germany.

Harlan Harlan Teutonic people come from a cold country.

Henry Henry Teutonic, the person who manages the family; Family ruler.

Herbert Herbert was a famous or outstanding German fighter.

Herman Herman, German soldier; Dude.

Hilary Hilary, Happy Latin.

Hiram Heller is a noble Hebrew identity; Glorious.

Isidore, a gift from the Greek goddess Aeschylus in isidore.

Ivan Ivan, a kind gift from the Russian god.

Ives Elvis refers to the English swordsman.

Jack, Jack, a kind gift from the Hebrew God.

Jacob Jacob was replaced by Hebrew; Followers.