What are the Seven Kingdoms of the Alliance in "World of Warcraft"?

Country of the Human Alliance\x0d\\x0d\===Azeroth===\x0d\\x0d\Leader: Regent Anduin Lothar\x0d\National Color: Blue\x0d \Background: Before the Age of Chaos, when the Dark Portal was first opened, the Kingdom of Azeroth was the most powerful among all human nations. Under the wise and just King Lenny, Azeroth stands as a beacon of light and truth in the known world. After the First War, Azeroth was ravaged by the Horde. After the death of King Lenny, Lothar took over Azeroth's scattered armies and led the survivors across the sea to the coast of Lordaeron. King Terenas, the ruler of Lordaeron, promised to aid the people of Azeroth who had lost their homeland. As a result, the people of Azeroth settled near the southern coast of Lordaeron and swore allegiance to the Alliance. This last force of the once powerful Azeroth army is fighting a determined and courageous struggle to avenge their lost homeland. \x0d\\x0d\===Lordaeron===\x0d\\x0d\Leader: King Terenas\x0d\Country Color: White\x0d\Background: In the reign of the merciful King Terenas Next, Lordaeron became the last bastion of human hope. The Lordaeron army first noticed the call for help sent by Lothar and the people of Azeroth. Like the patron saint of the Alliance, King Terenas' rule serves as a powerful umbrella of protection for all who live within his realm. The armies of Lordaeron are fiercely loyal, driven by their belief that humanity must stand firm against the blasphemous Horde. \x0d\\x0d\===Kingdom of Stromgard===\x0d\\x0d\Leader: Thoras Trollsbane (the original text is Trollbane place name list where is Trollsbance?)\x0d\National color: red\x0d \Background: The Kingdom of Stromgard maintains a strict military system, which makes it a high-profile alliance. Nestled in the foothills of the Alterac Mountains, Stromgarde serves as a sentinel for any incursions across the borders of orc-controlled Khaz Modan. Having experienced the history of troll warfare, the warriors of Stromgard are fully prepared to engage in open combat with all enemies of humanity. \x0d\\x0d\===KulTiras===\x0d\\x0d\Leader: Admiral Dilin Lord Proudmoore Daelin Proumoore\x0d\Country Color: Green\x0d\Background: In Chapter Before a war, the voyages of Kutilas' merchant ships made it the most prosperous nation in the known world. When the orcs began raiding Lordaeron's coastal territories, Admiral Proudmoore personally created a fleet of warships. At the request of his old friend Anduin Lothar, Proudmoore pledged his merchant kingdom to aid the Alliance. \x0d\\x0d\===Gilneas===\x0d\\x0d\Leader: Genn Greymane\x0d\National Color: Black\x0d\Background: Despite the looming orc invasion, Gilneas remains Insist on breaking away from the Alliance of Lordaeron. As the leader of one of the most powerful human nations, Genn Grayman was convinced that his army could deal with any threat, so he was indifferent to King Lothar's request for alliance. Regardless of this apparent disdain for the Alliance, the residents of Gilneas Port dislike neither the Horde nor the Alliance, and they are prepared to let their swords speak for themselves. \x0d\\x0d\===Dalaran===\x0d\\x0d\Leader: Kirin Tor\x0d\Country Color: Purple\x0d\Background: The magical nation of Dalaran is a different country from the Alliance. A small country under the rule of the Kirin Tor, a council composed of powerful mages of the race. Its capital is the Violet City located in CrossIsland (Zongheng Island?). This center of supernatural power contains four giant towers and is the sanctuary for many of Lordaeron's greatest mages. Dedicated to the knowledge of their vast libraries and their formidable magical powers, the Kirin Tor are powerful supporters of the Alliance.

\x0d\\x0d\===Alterac===\x0d\\x0d\Leader: Lord Perenold\x0d\Country Color: Orange\x0d\Background: Alterac is the weakest of the human nations One of them could only be considered a minor supporter of Alliance troops and weapons. While Perenold admired the ongoing efforts of Lothar and Terenas, he was haunted by the fear of the true arrival of the Horde - that if the Alliance failed, only the surrender of its own armies and sovereignty could save the lives of its subjects. But Perenold knew that no matter what, when the final battle came, Atrak would still fight alongside the other Alliance nations.