Ruyi saw the news from Li Yu and showed the note to Chunguifei and Highland. They said Wan Wan's move was bold and indecent, and he must not be soft. Ruyi didn't care, and then told the pure imperial concubine about Zhang Yong. On the Mulan paddock, Ying Jin shot an arrow in front of the emperor, which attracted repeated praise from the emperor. But in order to embarrass Wendy, I took the opportunity to let her show her skills. Wandi claimed that she was not good at archery, but the emperor insisted that she have a try. Wandi can only take bows and arrows, and the emperor taught her personally, but Wandi still shoots arrows on the ground. However, ironically, you can only charm and spoil things like Kunqu Opera. When shooting in the afternoon, the emperor decided to take Won and Ke to stay here.