The English names of dogs are easier to pronounce.

Better English dog names

Archibald - British - noble, brave

Aries - Latin - ram —(Aries in English)

Arlen Arlin—Britain—Oath

Armand Arman—Germany—Soldier

Armstrong —Britain—A man with a strong arm—(One small step for me, one giant leap for mankind)

Arno Arnold—Teutonic—Eagle

Arthur Arthur—Britain— Noble or aristocratic - (The Sword in the Stone actor)

Arvin - Teutonic - a person who treats others with equality

Asa - Hebrew - God The 'giver; the healer

Atwood - British - a person who lives in the forest or forest

Aubrey Aubrey - Teutonic - a rich and powerful king

August Augustine - Latin - a holy, respected or noble person; August

Augustine Augustine - Latin - refers to people born in August


Avery Avery-Britain-naughty, prankster

Baird Baird-Ireland-a person who is good at singing folk songs

Smooth dog in English Name: Boy

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                                              1                                   iac in in in YOU - love you]

[egg - egg]

[yika - Ika]

[luck - lucky]

                                                                         1                              uation in--- Name: Girl

Sorrow - Delores (Delores)

Rou - Claudia (Claudia)

Mochou - Deirdre ( Didry)


Rainy night——Amaya

Amaryllis——Amaryllis (Emma Lilith)

Autumn Peony——Anemone

Beauty God——Cytheria

Queen—— Gina

Flower Fairy——Laraine

Saint Empress——Dione

Angel Michael—— —Michelle (Michelle)

Michaela (Michaela)

June Angel — Muri


Night Demon——Lilith

Spring Girl——Ishtar

Spring Girl—— —Easter (Ishtar)

River Demon——Lorelei (Lolerai)

Enchantress——Delilah (Dililah)

Darkness Flower——Melantha(美兰沙)