League of Legends mobile game has been updated to version 2.6. The new version has made balance adjustments to some heroes. Let me share with you the update log of League of Legends mobile game international version 2.6
New Hero
Kyle, the Angel of Justice
Morgana, the Fallen Angel
Doctor Mundo, the Madman of Zaan
_Note: The above heroes All launched on the 3rd. Dr. Mundo’s VGU will be launched at 8:00 am Beijing time on December 3. Players who already own the hero and its appearance can keep all acquired content for free.
New features
Hero selection
When we mentioned hero selection last time, we opened the function of banning 3 heroes and said that we will add bans in the future. 5 options. We feel that there are enough characters in "League of Legends: Battle Rift" now that you can ban 5 heroes! We hope that banning the most annoying heroes will make everyone more enjoyable.
We will also update the casting screen to make route allocation clearer for all players.
* "League of Legends: Battle Canyon" has been in public beta for a short time in some areas. Many players may still be learning how to play the new heroes, so some areas will not implement the ban of 5 players for the time being. Functions of heroes* (no doubt, we are talking about the national server)
Qualifying rewards
Season reward progress
Similar to the pass, except that it is ranked Exclusively for competitions!
Enter ranked matches and earn season points
The reward system will track personal performance in the matches
Win the matches and perform well in the assigned Characters, showing player spirit and being a good teammate can earn points and progress!
Ranking rewards
Each season’s “Brilliant Glory” appearance will now be distributed through season rewards< /p>
Players with gold or above will receive a loading screen frame with a glorious glory shape to show their glory
Season reward progress also includes emoticons, personal profile frames and other items
< p>Earn Ranked Coins and spend as much as you want in the Ranked Coin Store!Ranked Coin Store
Players can use Ranked Coins to purchase a variety of new products in this new store!
The glorious and glorious costumes from previous seasons will be available for purchase with ranked coins
There are also many other goodies that we hope everyone will like, such as emotes showing off your rank, special effects for returning to town, As well as the styling actions of the glorious glory style, etc.!
Weekend chain rewards
If you win the battle, you can get bonus progress for the season reward progress
The chain rewards will It ends after winning three games or 48 hours, whichever comes first
S4 Season
The S4 Season will start at 11 a.m. on December 5th!
S4 Pass
Welcome Event
When you download "League of Legends: Battle Rift" for the first time, you will be able to experience a new series of missions and receive Jinx-themed rewards!
New mode
Infinite Firepower
The new mode of unlimited firepower is coming to "League of Legends: Battle Canyon" for the first time! In this mode, there is unlimited magic power to use, The cooldown is also significantly reduced, so jump into the cannon with your favorite hero and fly into the battlefield to unleash your skills!
*Due to differences in testing processes and results, this mode may only be available in select regions.
The following skins (the skin names are all translated from the Taiwan server) will be launched at 8 am on December 3rd, Beijing time:
Arcane Mad Girl Jinx *
Arcane Detective Wei*
Morgana, Queen of Blades
Professional Manager Doctor Mundo**
Frost Prince Mundo Doctors
Hex Exploration_Shyvana
Ogma Orc Doctor Mundo
Kyle of Darkness
The following looks will be launched at 8:00 am on December 4th, Beijing time:
Glory Demon Orianna
The following looks will be launched on December 9th at 8:00am, Beijing time :
Mecha Knight Kha'Zix
Mecha Swift Lion Rengar
Jax's Ruthless Judgment
The following looks will Launched at 8 am on December 15th, Beijing time:
Crystal Rose Ezreal_
Crystal Rose Jarvan IV_
Crystal Rose Lux _
Crystal Rose Sona_
*Available for purchase in the store
**Rarity changed to Epic
_ This look Preliminary launch for "Fighting Canyon"
Style decoration
Kill commemoration: The dragon belongs to me, the food is rich, Hextech helmet, Afu is destroying, dumbfounded, rose Thorny
Avatar: Gale Grace, Red Flame Power, Water-Healing Will, Afu in Heaven and Earth, Indescribable Meow!, Welcome Welcome!, Hexian Disorder, Crystal Rose, Angel of Mercy, Judgment Angel, novice in the canyon
Expressions: Reached (iron brand~elite)!, Don’t be a rookie (iron brand~elite), best friend, life and death friend, family power, perfect partner, Ah Blessing is awesome!, Unexpected surprise, Here it is for you, Victory crystallization, Do you need help?, Think twice before you act, Great!, Burn everything, Did you make a mistake?, Well done, Slam Dunk Darry Si, great, Christmas snowman
Avatar frame: Hex Adventure Horn
Return to the city special effects: clingy little dragon, celebrate the new year, celebrate with fireworks!, glory Triumph, Crystal Petals
Player flags: S3 Elite Flag, S3 Grandmaster Flag, S3 Master Flag, S3 Diamond Flag, S3 Jade Flag, S3 Platinum Flag, S3 Gold Flag
River Flags: "KO Flag", "Dragon Master Flag", "Edict to Flag"
Summoning Marks: Two Sides of Justice, Righteous Wrath, Mercy and Forgiveness, Beginner Bee
Personal profile decoration frame: Orianna’s Glory, Shyvana’s Collection
Hot Springs Acceleration Special Effect: Brilliant Glory
All style decorations will be included in this version will be launched gradually during the period.
Path of Justice
Explore the sisterly feud between Kayle and Morgana through missions, and get one of the heroes for free!
The "Way of Justice" event will be launched at 8 a.m. on December 3rd, Taiwan time
Afu Bingo
Polish your spatula and then Jump into the cannon, get ready to complete tasks, fill up the bingo card, and get cool rewards!
The "Afu Bingo" event will be launched at 8 a.m. on December 10, Taiwan time
< p>Crystal RosePut down your weapons and dance with me!
The "Crystal Rose" event will be launched at 8 am on December 15th, Taiwan time
< p>Hexian DisorderComplete a special mission to get a Higgs avatar. Celebrate the official release of "A League of Legends: Hexian Disorder" and follow the exciting Hexian game with Higgs. The rhythm is soaring!
The "Hexian Disorder" event will be launched at 8:00 a.m. on December 15th, Taiwan time
Hero adjustment
The Mummy of Sorrow, Amu Wood
_Basic ability value
Basic health: 650 → 570
Basic mana recovery: 21 → 15
Bandage traction: Q /1 skill
[New effect]: Can be automatically charged, and can accumulate up to 2 charges.
Charging time is 17/16/15/14 seconds and is affected by skill acceleration
Mana consumption: 55/60/65/70 → 35/40/45/50
Cooling Time: 14/12/10/8 seconds → 3 seconds (no longer affected by skill acceleration)
Basic damage: 80/145/210/275 → 60/95/130/165
Despair: W/2 skill
Basic fixed damage: 10/15/20/25 → 15/20/25/30
Basic percentage damage: 1.1/1.4/ 1.7/2% → 1/1.2/1.4/1.6
Amumu’s Wrath: E/3 skill
Slowdown coefficient: 30% → 20%
Mummy's Curse: R/Ultimate
Effect range: 5 → 4.75
Stun duration: 1.5/1.75/2 seconds → 1.5 seconds
Ice Archer Ashe
Basic ability value
Basic physical attack: 52 → 58
Piltover Policewoman Caitlin
Let Bullets flying: R/ult
Basic damage: 300/525/750 → 200/375/550
Barrel Gragas_
Drunken Rage: W/2 skills
Maximum damage to wild monsters: 300 → 400
Exploding barrel: R/Ultimate move
Basic damage: 150/275 /400 → 200/300/400
Outlaw Graves_
Basic ability value
Basic critical hit damage coefficient bonus: 140% → 130%
Quick draw: E/3 skill
Cooling time: 15/14/13/12 seconds → 16/15/14/13 seconds
< p>Blade Dancer Irelia_Ionian Zeal: Passive
Hit Damage: 14-70 (grows with level) (10 + 4/level)→ 10-66 (grows with level) (6 + 4/level)
Vanguard Blade: R/Ultimate Move
[Error Fix] Corrected the instruction description of the sword formation duration to be changed Bugs that increase with skill level. The duration of the sword array is always 3 seconds.
Future Guardian Jace_
Basic ability value
Physical attack growth per level: 3.6 → 4.55
Basic physical defense: 35 → 40
Sky Leap/Electric Shock: Q/1 skill
Sky Leap (Warhammer form) base damage: 60/105/150/195/240 → 60 /110/160/210/260
Leap of the Sky (Warhammer Form) Effect Range: 2.25 → 2.5
Electric Shock (Cannon Form) Basic Damage: 70/135 /200/265/330 → 70/140/210/280/350
Lightning Field/Super Charge: W/2 Skills
Magic Recovery: 6/9/12/ 15/18 → 8/11/14/16/20
Thunder Blow/Acceleration Gate: E/3 Skills
Acceleration Gate + Electric Shock Damage Bonus Ratio: 40% → 50%
Raging Heart Kennen
_Mystery! Chidori: Q/1 skill
Basic damage: 85/140/195/ 250 → 75/140/205/270
Mysterious! Electric Blade: W/2 Skill
Basic Damage: 60/95/130/165 → 60/90/120/150
Bounty Hunter Miss Fortune
_Strider: W/2 Skills
Additional running speed over time: 35/45/55/65 → 50/ 60/70/80
Physical attack coefficient: 75% → 85%
Magic attack coefficient: 20% → 25%
Snow Twins Nunu and Willump
__Swallow: Q/1 skill
Cooling time: 11/10/9/8 seconds → 12/11/10 /9 seconds
Shadow Rebellion: R/Ultimate Move
Light Cannon Speed: 100 → 170
< p>Soraka, Son of the Stars_Star Infusion: W/2 Skills
Healing Amount: 80/120/160/200 → 90/130/170/210
p>Card Master_ Drizzt_
Basic ability value
Life growth per level: 115 → 105
Life at level 15: 2180 → 2040
Card selection: W/2 skills
Cooling time: 6/6/6/6 seconds → 8/7.5/7/6.5 seconds
Destiny: R/Ultimate Move
Teleportation distance: 5000 → 4200
Evil mage Veigar_
Basic ability value
Basic health: 530 → 570
Basic physical defense: 30 → 35
Dark Matter: W/2 skills
Basic damage: 80/145/210/ 275 → 100/160/220/280
Energy Burst: R/Ultimate
Basic damage: 155/230/305 → 170/240/310
Ni Yuxia_
Basic ability value
Basic physical attack: 64 → 58
Lethal feather coat: W/3 skills
Cooling time: 19/17/15/13 seconds → 19/18/17/16 seconds
Debon Manager Zhao Xin_
Basic ability value
Basic life: 610 → 650
Physical defense growth per level: 3.9 → 4.3
Physical defense at level 15: 90 → 96
Lord of Shadow Stream Tribulation _
Basic ability value
Physical defense: reduced from 40 to 35
Shadow Secret! Blades: Q/1 skill
Basic damage: 80/130/180/230 → 70/120/170/220
Explosive Ghost
Basic ability value
Life growth per level: 115 → 105
Life at level 15: 2180 → 2040
< p>Basic mana: 480 → 435Bounce bomb: Q/1 skill
Mana consumption: 45/50/55/60 → 55/60/65/70
Scientific Hell Cannon: R/Ultimate Move
Cooling time: 80/65/50 seconds → 95/80/65 seconds
Mechanism changes
< p>New equipment_Banshee Veil
Total price: 3000 gold
Recipe: Useless Rod (1440 gold) + Negatron Cloak (900 gold) + 660 Gold
70 Spell Power
40 Magic Resistance
10 Skill Haste
Unique Passive - Destroyed: Provided A spell shield to block the next enemy ability.
Blade of Night
Total price: 3000 gold
Recipe: Serrated Dagger (1000 gold) + Purple Rainforest Fist (1200 gold) + 800 Gold
250 ??health
50 attack
Unique Passive - Abolition: Provides a spell shield to block the next enemy ability.
Passive_ Cutout: 10 points of armor penetration
Enhanced support
Hex Ice Nest Core
Total price: 2700 gold
Recipe: Lost Chapter (1050 gold) + Giant's Belt (1000 gold) + 650 gold
300 health points
200 mana points
35 points of spell power
15 points of skill haste
Unique Passive_ Inventor: When healing teammates or summoning shields, reduce the power of active equipment by 10% Cooling time (5 seconds cooldown), reduced by 15% when immobilizing the enemy (no cooldown)
Ixtal Seed Jar
Total price: 2500 gold
< p>Recipe: Chain Mail (900 gold) + Negatron Cloak (900 gold) + 700 gold45 points of armor
45 points of magic resistance
Unique Passive_ Reproduction: When you or a teammate hit a nearby plant, it drops a seed that only you can see. You can pick up seeds and plant them anywhere on the map.
Passive_ Light Step: 5% movement speed
Item adjustment
Stand of Time
The Staff of Time is required by almost all skills The first must-have item for AP heroes that consume mana. Because the stack accumulation speed is too fast, we need to slow it down, which is in line with the purpose of this prop to slowly develop the hero.
Stack accumulation: one layer every 30 seconds → one layer every 45 seconds
Full stacking time: 300 seconds (5 minutes) → 450 seconds (7.5 minutes) full stack
Rune of Will: Fountain of Life
For all auxiliary heroes, Fountain of Life is the most powerful in most situations The key runes are the same whether it's a lane swap or a longer team battle. We decided to make Fountain of Life less useful in longer battles, but still have a supporting role in brief battles to differentiate it from Ellie and Earthshatter.
Mark duration: 4 seconds → 3 seconds
Cooling time: 6 seconds for melee heroes, 10 seconds for ranged heroes → 8 seconds for melee heroes, 12 seconds for ranged heroes< /p>
Guild and Guild Battle (GvG) updates coming soon:
Added the ability to share guilds directly through links
Add a limited-time "Battle of Two Cities" themed emblem
Add a title to the dialogue screen to help players better understand the background of the event
Increase the text size of the dialogue
Various other bugfixes and great improvements for Guild vs. Guild Battle (GvG)
We want to make close friends even closer:< /p>
First-level friends will now display the friend icon
Second-level friends can now use summoning effects and markers (previously third level)
Third-level friends Tier Best Friend now has a limited expression, which will be triggered in the following situations:
When one of the players kills the enemy and the best friend participates in the assist (it will only trigger once in a battle)
When one of the players destroys the enemy team, and a close friend participates in the assist
When one of the players destroys the defense tower, and a close friend participates in the assist
New options allow players to Turn on notifications for close friends (level 2 or higher) and following friends separately
Various other bug fixes and excellent improvements for close friends
Teammate emoticons are now visible in the UI
Added the ability to turn off different types of communication (text or voice) from the scoreboard
Share screen
Renovated the visual effects of more sharing screens, especially guilds, points and leaderboard points
Control methods
Now players can also target allies when tapping skills. Additional options can be found in the settings menu.
Added an option to reduce the height of the viewing angle.
Update target locking settings, now you can completely turn off target locking and only allow click and release.
New preset controls have been added to help new players learn how to play the game using simpler controls. Your new account will have controls set up based on your League of Legends experience.
The "Novice" and "Advanced" preset options are now selectable from the Control Settings.
Reporting Adjustments
Improved Deliberate Failure Detection System and Penalties
Other Updates
Events now display a countdown to allow for Players will know more clearly when new events start
Updated the visual effects of Nichirin Charge Blade
Improved device power consumption in 90 and 120FPS modes
Improved various parts of the matchmaking algorithm, especially for pre-made teams and new players
Added an option for players to enable or disable push notifications from the in-app settings menu