What are the words next to the word "马" and how to pronounce them?

The number of strokes in the front, the middle character, and the pronunciation in the back

5 Yu yù,

6 Chi chí, 6 Tuo duǒ, tuó,

6 tame xùn, 7 refute bó,

7 donkey lǘ, 7 drive qū,

7 ri rì, 8 骀dài, tái,

8 驸fù, 8 drive jià,

8 horse jū, 8 驽nú,

8 drive shǐ, 8 Si sì,

8 camel tuó, 8 post yì ,

8 驵zǎng, 8 resident zhù,

8 麺zōu, 9 骉biāo,

9 簵hài, 9 骅huá,

9 arrogant jiāo, 9 luo luò,

9 scold mà, 9 鈈pián,

9 骁xiāo, 9 骃yīn,

10 骋chěng, 10 jun jùn,

10 骊lí, 10 骪qīn,

10 骍xīng, 10 verify yàn,

11骖cān, 11骒kè ,

11 骐qí, 11 riding qí,

11 骕sù, 11 铓zhuī,

11 骔zōng, 12 骙kuí,

12 cheat piàn, 12 show off sāo,

12 骛wù, 12 骘zhì,

13 骜ào, 13 骝liú,

13 骞qiān, 13 骟 shàn,

14 骠 biāo, piào, 14 骢cōng,

14 mule luó, 15 骣chǎn,

17 sudden zhòu, 19骥jì,

20 骦shuāng, 20 駧xiāng,