Xiao Niu was born in the Year of the Ox, and the name should have the word "Ju", which is refreshing and enjoyable. There is a word, a wooden word, a clear sense of justice and benefit, and integrity; There is a moon, and it is not smooth to work alone; There is a fire word, which is not good for health or is afraid of water; There are Tian Zi, Che Zi and Ma Zi, who have worked hard all their lives; There are stone characters and mountain characters, which are easy to be lonely, unfavorable to families, and late marriage and late success;
there are blood characters, swastika characters, knife characters, force characters, and several characters, and many of them are not smooth, so don't be afraid of water. Xiao Niu was born in the year of Xiao Niu, so be careful in the year of Xiao Yang, Xiao Long and Xiao Ma. By the year of Xiao Rat and year of the snake, it was smooth sailing and successful.