Why is Feng Xiaoyue named Feng?

Feng Xiaoyue’s surname is after his father’s surname. His Chinese name is Feng Xiaoyue and his English name is Rhydian Vaughan.

Feng Xiaoyue was born in Taiwan on March 10, 1988. Her father is a violinist from Wales, England, her mother is a performing artist of the Taiwan Mime Troupe, her grandmother is from Henan, and her grandfather is from Tibet.

Feng Xiaoyue’s mother is Taiwanese of Xinjiang descent, and her father is from Wales, England. Feng’s surname comes from the English Vaughan. When he was born, there happened to be a small hill outside the delivery room, so he was named Xiaoyue. Growing up in such an international family, Feng Xiaoyue did not grow up soaked in honey as people imagine.

The way his parents educated him was particularly unusual, as if they were conducting an experiment to "raise a child from poverty" and consciously let the boy grow up "barbarically". Feng Xiaoyue spent most of his childhood in the countryside of Taipei. There was no TV or air conditioning at home since he was a child. When he was 6 years old, his family sent him to the Shaolin Temple to stay for a while.