In the tenth autumn of Xining, Pengcheng was flooded, and the Zhang Jun Caotang in Yunlong Mountain was half flooded. The next spring, the water fell and moved to the east of the former residence, at the foot of Dongshan Mountain. If you look up, you will get a different situation and build a pavilion on it. Pengcheng Mountain and Linggang Mountain are four in one, hidden as a big ring, but lacking the west twelve, the mountain people are suitable. At the turn of spring and summer, there are trees and grass; Snow in autumn and winter, thousands of miles away; Between wind and rain, the pitch is changeable.
The mountain man has two cranes, which are very tame and good at flying, but he looks at the western hills. It either stands in the field or flies in the clouds, and returns to Dongshan at dusk, hence the name He Fangting.
When Su Shi, the county magistrate, waited on the guest officials, met the mountain people and enjoyed drinking in the pavilion. He said to the villagers, "Do you know the happiness of seclusion? Although the south king can relax. Yi said, "The crane is in the shade, and its son is in harmony." The poem says, "He Ming is at the height of nine, and his voice is heard in the sky. Covering it as a thing, Qingyuan is idle and detached, and poets are easy to compare with sages and gentlemen. People who hide virtue should play with it, if it is beneficial but not harmful, but if they are good at cranes, they will destroy their country. Duke Zhou makes wine and Duke Wei makes a warning, thinking that there is no wine, while Ruan Ji is famous for its truth and later generations. Hey, honey! Nanwang, Qingyuan is as idle as a crane, but it is still not good, and good will destroy its country; The hermit in the deep mountain forest, although confused and defeated like wine, is not shallow, but the situation is worse than the crane! From this perspective, it cannot be mentioned in the same breath. " The mountain man smiled and said, "Yes! "It's a song about letting cranes fly and inviting them.
The crane flies away, and the western hills are lacking. Look down from the air and choose the right place. What do I see when I turn my wings and put them away? Correct hit again! Alone in the valley, pecking at moss, walking on the white stone.
The return of the crane is the shadow of Dongshan. There are people below, crown grass, kudzu clothes and drums. Work hard, eat, and the rest will satisfy you. Come back, come back, Xishan won't stay long!
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Xining ten years to Yuanfeng six years. In the past two years, when he was a magistrate in Xuzhou, a friend named Zhang Liuji, alias Yunlong Mountain, built a pavilion in Pengcheng (now Tongcheng County, Jiangsu Province). There are two cranes in the pavilion. They fly in the morning and come back at night. Su Shi often drinks and has fun with his friends in the pavilion. Because of this, he pretended to write a "Crane Pavilion".
This paper describes the interests of hermits. If they were emperors, even loving cranes would bring disaster. But as a hermit, it doesn't matter if you indulge in wine. On the contrary, you can live a carefree life.
The third paragraph describes that hermits and Nanwang have great differences in life tastes. Hermits can not only raise cranes, but also indulge in wine and make a name for themselves. The monarch is not.
The beauty of this article lies in its momentum, naturalness and fluency, which is completely the expression of the author's temperament. Crane Pavilion is not a place of interest, but it has been handed down because of this article. What this article says not only coincides with the "transcendental platform", but also shows the performance of his Taoist thought in this article.
In addition, when Su Shi learned about Xuzhou, this article mainly described the pleasure of dining with the mountain people, and used the ancient evidence to praise the hermit's pleasure and expressed his desire to go to Qingyuan when he was politically frustrated. The article describes the scenery accurately, but the characteristics are outstanding; The narrative is concise but clear; The quotation of allusions can be related to today; Singing lively answers, expressing your feelings easily and freely is also very interesting to read.
Zhang, a Song Dynasty hermit named Tian Ji, lived in seclusion in Yunlong Mountain, Xuzhou, named Yunlong Mountain. There is a pavilion on Dongshan Mountain, which is named "He Fangting" because it trains two cranes to walk on the mountain.
Also: This is what the poet said when he belittled Xuzhou. This article describes the problems and discussions raised by the author during his visit to Yunlong Mountain. More importantly, the author puts forward the view that cranes were originally idle things in Qingyuan, but Wei Yigong died of good cranes. Wine is something that confuses people and defeats chaos, so "Duke Zhou makes wine and Duke Wu of Wei takes warning, thinking that there is no wine that confuses people and defeats chaos" to persuade people not to be addicted to wine. But "Liu Ling Ruan Ji" is famous for drinking. What is the reason? Yunlong Mountain people explained that people in the faint forest should not be confused by wine and color, not to mention the cranes, which are wonderful to watch. Can the author not envy? What's more, there is the song that intoxicated the author! In the autumn of the tenth year of Xining, a flood occurred in Pengcheng, where Zhang Jun, a native of Yunlong Mountain, lived, and half of his house was flooded. The next spring, when the flood receded, Ren Shan moved to the east of the original house at the foot of Dongshan Mountain. The mountain man looked up and found a strange place, and built a pavilion on it. Pengcheng is surrounded by mountains, vaguely like a big circle, only to the west, and the pavilion in Ren Shan is just facing the gap. When spring and summer alternate, the vegetation is lush and seems to be close to the sky; Autumn moon and winter snow dye the vast land white; In windy, rainy, dark and sunny weather, the scenery changes quickly. The mountain man has two cranes, which are very docile and fly well. In the morning, the mountain man looked at the gap in the western hills, let them out and let them fly somewhere. Sometimes they stand by in ponds and fields, and sometimes they fly on clouds. In the evening, they returned to Dongshan, so they named this pavilion "He Fangting".
County magistrate Su Shi often takes his sunset friends and subordinates to visit the mountain people and drink in this pavilion, which makes him feel very happy. Su Shi poured a glass of wine for the mountain man and said to him, "Do you know the happiness of seclusion? Even the monarch sitting facing south can't exchange with him. The Book of Changes said: "This crane barks in the north of the mountain, and its child, the young crane, is responding to it." The Book of Songs says:' The crane crows in the low-lying places, and its voice reaches the sky.' This is because the crane, as a bird, is noble, deep, quiet, existent and transcendent, so the authors of the Book of Changes and the Book of Songs compare it to a wise man, a talented person and a noble person. Being close to it and playing with it seem to be beneficial and harmless. However, Wei Yigong likes cranes, so he lost his country. Duke Zhou's "drinking wine" and Duke Wei's "moderation" both think that nothing is more serious than drinking, which wastes career, confuses temperament and corrupts the country; However, people like Liu Ling and Ruan Ji saved themselves, and their fame spread to future generations. Alas! A monarch who faces south, even if lofty and deep, like a crane, can't like it; If you love it, you will lose your country. However, people who escape from the world in the mountains can't be a scourge, let alone love cranes, even if they neglect their careers, confuse their temperament and ruin the wine industry in the countryside. From this perspective, the happiness of monarchs and hermits cannot be discussed together. "
After listening to my words, the mountain man smiled happily and said, "Is this reasonable?" So, I made a song about flying cranes and said, "The cranes have flown away. Look at the gap in the western hills. Fly high in the sky, look down and choose where they think they should go. Quickly turn back to your body, fold your wings, and seem to be planning to fly down to rest; Suddenly I saw something and flew into the sky with my head held high, ready for another amazing blow. How can you wander around the stream all day? Between the valleys, pecking at the moss and stepping on the white stone? The crane has returned, to the north of Dongshan Mountain. There is a man below, wearing a hat, sandals and Ge clothes, sitting and playing the piano. He makes a living by farming by himself and feeds you the extra food. Come back! Come back! Xishan can't stay long. "