When buying a house in Japan, what do the R, L, D, and K introduced by Japanese real estate agents mean?

R represents room, L represents living room, D represents dining room, and K represents kitchen area. The number in front of the letter is the number of rooms. Entrance: Shoes Closet: Shoes Closet: Hall: Corridor Storage: Storage Room Western Room (Bedroom): Japanese Room: Japanese Room Closet : Closet クローゼット(Closet) : Wardrobe トイレ/WC(Toilet/Water Closet) : Toilet Washroom(Powder Room) : Washing table Bathroom/UB(Bathroom/Unit Bath) : Bathroom wash/W(Washer) : Washing machine placement Cold/R (Refrigerator): Refrigerator Balcony/Terrace: Balcony MB (Meter Box): Water, electricity and gas meter box PS (Pipe Space): Pipeline room / WIC (Walk-in Closet): Changing room

1R: Indicates a room. If there is a kitchen, there is no partition between the kitchen and the room.

1K: Studio apartment with kitchen, the kitchen and the room are separate.

1DK: A studio apartment with a dining room and kitchen. The dining room and kitchen are usually integrated.

1LDK: A studio apartment with a living room, dining room and kitchen. There is a clear separation between the living room and the kitchen. The area is generally more than 15 square meters.