Never heard of it. From your description, it is basically a three-no product.
I suggest not to feed domestic cat and dog food to pets.
Many years ago, there was a kind of dog food and cat food called Fu Shou, which was said to be produced in Taiwan. The purchase price is 3 or 40 yuan per bag, 10 kilograms per bag. Selling for 5 yuan per pound.
In addition, domestic cat and dog food, aside from the problems of various substandard additives, even basic preservation and hygiene are problems. Dog food contains a lot of protein, and protein can easily go bad. Without this foundation, how can we talk about health and safety? As for why dogs like to eat it, it has a strong taste and various spices and flavor enhancers are added. Baby milk powder contains melamine, not to mention pet food. Baolu dog food is a chronic suicide drug, and these domestically produced unbranded products are even more greedy. Danger. . . . . . Be careful and careful. . . . . .