A survey of Lacanos dogs of Belgian Lacanos Shepherd.

He bought Picard d'Uccle and Petite, which are considered to be the ancestors of these long-haired black dogs, and built a prosperous dog farm. This kennel dates back to 1893, the year when the Belgian Shepherd Club accepted the original standards for Belgian shepherds. "Picard d'Uccle" and "Petite" married and gave birth to excellent offspring "pitt", "baronne" and "duc de gronendael". It has also bred generations with its daughter and other dogs in the region, forming the pedigree we see today. This pedigree forms the basis of these beautiful black long-haired sheepdogs; In 191, it was officially named "Groenendael". After Belgian sheepdogs were identified as a breed, people's interest in them increased day by day. Before the First World War, although it was still called a herding dog or a sheepdog, Groenendael was already a multi-functional dog, with good intelligence and easy-to-tame characteristics, which could be used for many purposes.