The 56-character genealogy of the surname Long: The Ming Dynasty was a great official in the world, the scholarly reputation inspired the family reputation, loyalty, trustworthiness, benevolence and courtesy, and the nature was passed down from generation to generation. The article states that the official life is great, the fortune of the emperor, the virtuous and the king will be prosperous, the country will be auspicious, the family will be prosperous, the wealth and longevity will increase, and the dragon will follow the destiny of heaven.
The population of people with the surname Long exceeds one million, so there are many generations in the family tree. The surname Long is an ancient surname. During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was Long Zi, during the Warring States Period, there was Wei General Long Jia, and at the end of the Qin Dynasty, there was Sima Long Ju of Chu State. , has an ancient origin. As a surname, the dragon surname, like the dragon totem, also has a long history and originated in Shanxi, Henan and other places.
During the Song Dynasty, there were about 40,000 people with the surname Long, accounting for about 0.04% of the country's population, ranking after the 200th. The distribution in the country is mainly concentrated in Sichuan, Jiangxi, and Anhui. These three provinces account for about 87% of the total population of Long surname, followed by Henan, Zhejiang and other provinces. Sichuan Province is the largest province with the surname Long, home to 32% of the total population with the surname Long. There are two large population gathering areas with the Long surname in the country: Sichuan in the west and Jiangxi and Anhui in the east.