How to pronounce turtle in English

The correct pronunciation of turtle is [t?:tl].

When we want to express the word turtle, we need to use the word turtle in English. Turtle is a very common English word that can be used to refer to different types of turtles.

In English, people usually call turtles on land "tortoise" and turtles in water "turtle", but these two words can basically be used interchangeably.

In English, we usually pronounce words based on their spelling.

Plural: turtles; third person singular: turtles; past tense: turtled; past participle: turtled; present participle: turtling; confusing words: Turtle.

Example sentences

1. The tug nearly turned turtle twice, but I managed to keep her upright. The tug nearly turned over twice, but I managed to keep her upright.

2. Sea Turtle has been improved. The big turtle has been improved.

3. Come on, Mr. Turtle! Come on, turtle!

4. A Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in just a few feet of water. A turtle lays many eggs at once. A turtle lays many eggs at once. Lay many eggs.

6. A little turtle begins to slowly climb a tree. A little turtle begins to slowly climb up a tree.