To explain the origin of "holy alliance", we must start with the Vienna Conference. On October 1, 1814, after the European "Anti-French Alliance" defeated Napoleon's Empire, the monarchs of the countries in the alliance gathered in Vienna, Austria, to hold a meeting to discuss both the restoration of the old feudal order in Europe and the distribution of stolen goods. The meeting lasted for more than 8 months until June 9 of the following year. Attending the meeting were Russian Emperor Alexander I, Austrian Emperor Francis I, King Friedrich Wilhelm Ⅲ of Prussia, British Foreign Secretary Castile, defeated French Foreign Minister Trang, and princes and archduke of almost all European countries, representing 216 people. What really manipulated the meeting was the representatives of the four victorious countries, namely Russia, Britain, Austria and Portugal, and the representatives of small countries. Apart from attending the opening and closing ceremonies, they hosted banquets, danced, watched dramas, ate, drank and played, and killed time, waiting for the ruling of big countries. It is the first time in the diplomatic history that such a large-scale power diplomatic conference is dominated by big countries and set off by small countries.
The imperial ministers of the four countries who manipulated the meeting were concerned about how to get more in repartitioning European territory and rebuild European feudal order. France's foreign minister, Jean-Claude Trent, is an excellent bourgeois diplomat. After attending the meeting, he first proposed to the representatives of the four countries that the Bourbon dynasty had resumed unification in France, was an orthodox dynasty, and could not be hostile to it. This is the principle of "orthodoxy" recognized by the conference. In fact, France was still the main position of capitalism in continental Europe. It is very beneficial to play the banner of "orthodoxy" to safeguard France's status and interests. However, this principle was regarded by monarchs of various countries as a tool to restore the rule of the old feudal orthodox dynasty in all European countries. Taking "orthodoxy" as the creed, the final general resolution of the Vienna Conference tried its best to restore the feudal rule of various countries before the French Revolution. Because of the conflicts among the great powers in the division of territory, the meeting also put forward a principle of "compensation", that is, if the interests of the victorious countries in one region are not met, they will be compensated in another region. If Prussia's territorial claim to Poland is not met, the allies will take the northern part of Saxony with a population of 85, as "compensation".
According to the orthodox principle, many old dynasties returned to the ruling throne, including France, Spain, Bourbon in two Sicilies, feudal dynasties in Portugal, Sweden and the Netherlands, as well as the Pope and some small state dynasties in Italy. At the same time, several big countries carved up many territories. It caused a reactionary political situation in which feudal regimes were restored one after another. It is in order to maintain this situation and vested interests that on September 26th, 1815, the three countries of Russia and Austria concluded the so-called "holy alliance", and decided to use force to suppress local revolutions and defend the monarchy and Christianity. Later, most European monarchies joined the alliance. By 1818, the Bourbon dynasty in power in France also joined the reactionary alliance. All the counter-revolutionary forces in Europe gathered under the banner of "holy alliance", and Europe entered a dark period of reactionary rule.
However, the reactionary resolutions of the Vienna Conference and holy alliance's perverse actions cannot be sustained for a long time. The national democratic movement in the oppressed nation-states can't be contained, and the historical trend of Europe taking the capitalist road can't be reversed. In addition, there are contradictions among the countries of the alliance, which makes it difficult for the alliance to coordinate. Revolutionary storms swept through Europe in the 182s and 193s. Especially in July 183, the French Revolution overthrew the orthodox Bourbon Dynasty and dealt a heavy blow to holy alliance. After the revolution spread all over the European continent in 1848, the "holy alliance" completely collapsed and became a historical relic.