"Zuo Zhuan"
On Ding Mao in the ninth month, the son was born at the same time. He was raised with the ceremony of giving birth to a eldest son, and he was placed in a prison. The fortune teller carried it and his wife ate it. Gong and Wen Jiang and Zongfu ordered him.
Gong asked about the name of Yu Shenxi. He said: "There are five kinds of names, including faith, meaning, image, falsehood and category. Names are born from names. For faith, take virtue and destiny as righteousness, take the analogy of destiny as the image, take it from things as falsehood, and take it from your father as your kind. Don’t take it as a country, don’t take it as an official, don’t take it as a mountain and river, don’t take it as a hidden disease, don’t take it as an animal, don’t take it as a Utensils and coins. The people of Zhou used taboos to serve gods and names, and they will eventually be kept taboo. Therefore, using the country will abolish the name, using officials will abolish the position, using mountains and rivers will abolish the master, using animals and animals will abolish the sacrifices, and using utensils and coins will abolish the rituals. In the Jin Dynasty, the Marquis of Xi abolished Situ, and in the Song Dynasty, Duke Wu abolished Sikong. The emperor sacrificed himself, and Wu abolished two mountains. This is why big things cannot be ordered." The Duke said: "This is his life. He is the same thing as me, and his destiny is the same."< /p>
The translation is as follows (you can make do with Baidu search):
On Ding Mao Day in the ninth month, Duke Huan’s son Zitong was born, and a grand ceremony was held in accordance with the specifications for the birth of a prince: the grand ceremony with Tailao After receiving his son, he chose a master through divination and asked him to hold the baby and let his wife breastfeed the baby. Duke Huan, Qi Jiang and the wife of the doctor with the same surname named the baby. Duke Huan asked Shen Sui about naming. Shen Sui answered Said: "People's names are divided into five categories: xin, yi, xiang, falsity, and class. Naming with the characteristics at birth is xin, naming with words that express virtue is yi, naming with similar objects is xiang, and borrowing names from things Naming names is false. Naming with words related to the father is generic. Do not use the name of your country, do not use the official name of your country, do not use the name of your country's mountains and rivers, do not use the names of related diseases, do not use the names of livestock, and do not use utensils. The name of the gift. People in the Zhou Dynasty used taboos to worship gods. People's names do not need to be taboo during life, but they need to be taboo after death. Therefore, when naming after a country, the person's name must be abolished, when naming after an official position, the official name must be replaced, and when naming after a mountain or river, the name of the person must be abolished. Changing the names of mountains and rivers, and naming them after animals cannot be used for sacrifices, which is equivalent to abolishing sacrifices. Naming utensils and gifts cannot be used for sacrifices and gifts, which is equivalent to abolishing various etiquette. (For example, in Jin State, because the Marquis of Xi was named Situ , and abolished the position of Situ (changed to Zhongjun). The Song Dynasty abolished Sikong (changed to Sicheng) because the Song Dynasty Duke Wu was named Sikong (renamed Sicheng). Our Lu State changed the position of Situ because the names of Duke Xian and Duke Wu were Gu and Ao. The names of mountains and Aoshan. Therefore, we cannot name big things." Duke Huan said: "This child was born on the same day as me, so let's call him Tong."
In short, The name should be meaningful, suitable for the child, and unique, not just a collection of auspicious words that can be used on anyone.