The cloned sheep was named Dolly because Dolly is the name of American country music singer Dolly Parton. Scientists wanted to make people like it as much as country singers, so they called it Dolly.
On July 5, 1996, British scientist Dr. Ian Wilmut successfully cloned a lamb from the somatic cells of an adult sheep. This lamb is exactly like its "mother". The reproduction of animals generally goes through the process of sexual reproduction. To enable them to reproduce asexually, they must go through complex operating procedures. Its name is Dolly. The information about this cloned sheep is as follows:
Name: Dolly
Name origin: American country music female singer Dolly Parton (Dolly Parton)
Gender : Female
Number: 6LL3
Date of birth: July 5, 1996
Place of birth: Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, UK
Creator: Wilmat and the team he led
Date of death: February 14, 2003
Cause of death: Euthanasia after being diagnosed with progressive lung disease
Family members
Genetic father: none
Genetic mother: a Finnish Dorset white-faced sheep
Mitochondrial mother: one Scottish Blackface Sheep
Mother: Another Scottish Blackface Sheep
Children: 6 born, 5 survived