La Salle de Chateau Poujeaux is a rebranded winery of Chateau Poujeaux, located in the village of Moulis in the Medoc region of Bordeaux. Although there is no Grand Cru Classe (top winery) in this region, there are 31 Cru Bourgeois (intermediate winery), whose output accounts for 92% of the production of this production area. In other words, this production area is almost all Cru Bourgeois. The wines in this region have strong berry flavor, strong wine body, and strong tannins when tender. Generally, the wine needs 6-8 years of aging, and the best years need about 10 years. The price of wine in the Mouly region is not expensive, much cheaper than the same quality production areas such as Saint-Estephe, Pauillac, Saine-Julien, Margaux and so on. It is very good value.
2000 was one of Bordeaux’s top vintages. The price of 2000 vintage Xiaobujiao is about 800 yuan. It’s a classy gift!