Having a difficult or difficult-to-pronounce name will definitely not affect your college entrance examination scores, but it will affect social interactions. When meeting strangers, you can introduce your name first, and then use your business card with pinyin with a tone. . If you are troubled by the difficulty of writing or pronouncing your name, it will certainly affect your mood. You should relax your mind and deal with it indifferently to avoid affecting your mood, because after all, it is not an insurmountable problem. First, it is easy to introduce clearly, for example: song is the pine of the pine tree plus two points of water, and the word song is the word for rime. The pronunciation of 凇 (sōng) is not difficult to pronounce, and it is not an uncommon character. All high school students should know it. Second, once you introduce something, it will become familiar again. If you introduce it once, others will remember it and will not forget it easily. This word is novel and poetic when used in names, and it is not easy to repeat names. It is very good and good. You should like it and don't let it affect your mood.