Myth 1: The more friends the better
It is very important for children to have at least one fixed friend. If your child has no friends, this is indeed an abnormal social situation. If your child has many friends, but the friendship does not last, you should also self-reflect on whether your child has problems in communication. Friendships can last a long time, so you don't have to worry too much even if your child only has one friend.
Myth 2: Children who speak loudly are "interpersonally capable"
Yelling is not more effective than speaking in a soft tone. Children's interactions with new partners also require certain basics, such as being sincere to each other, being able to share with friends, and being able to play happily together, etc. In children's interactions, whether friendship can be maintained is the core of the problem.
Myth 3: Children are still young, so it’s okay if they are not polite and polite
A child’s mentality in dealing with others will affect its interpersonal interactions on a very large level. The good habit of being polite is not something you are born with, but is cultivated from childhood. The sooner your child develops a civilized attitude, the easier it will be for him to be accepted.
Myth 4: Getting to know new friends counts as "interpersonal communication"
Children's "interpersonal communication" is not "public relations" for adults. Although getting to know new friends can improve children's communication level, but the harmony with the family can also be seen in the child's communication level. Children spend most of their time with their families, so letting them learn to live in harmony with their families is a prerequisite for social interaction.
Myth 5: Children should associate with "smart" children
Occasionally I hear some parents scolding their children: "Don't play with stupid kids!" I hope their children Get to know the child who is "smart". Parents of this kind think that "smart" means learning well, such as reading more words or speaking English correctly.
In fact, these parents unintentionally help their children pass on the idea that "smart" means learning well, and it is not worth associating with those who are weaker than us in learning, nor is it worth it. Show compassion to others. Some parents are more concerned about face when it comes to their children's interactions. Sometimes they are always worried that their children will not be able to interact easily and will not do well, so they directly replace their children's interactions.
For example, there is a mother who is very vain. Whenever she takes her child to see relatives and friends, the child will not say a word, and the mother will say: "My child is very timid and introverted. Shy." In fact, mothers are worried that their children will lose face if they speak awkwardly or inappropriately. In this way, the child will not dare to say what he wants to say. When parents interact on behalf of their children, they are actually preserving their so-called "self-esteem" and "face." In doing so, although parents protect their "face", their children lose valuable opportunities for interaction.