How to summon Chicken Knight in Minecraft

Chicken Riders can only be summoned within command blocks.

Command: summon Zombie ~ ~+1 ~ {Riding:{id:Chicken},IsBaby;1}

Chicken Jockey is a small zombie or a small zombie pigman The name of a rare combination of riding a chicken.

Each baby zombie or baby zombie pigman has a 5% chance of being spawned riding a chicken (including baby zombie villagers). Any chicken in a 10×6×10 box area centered on the spawning location of baby zombies will have an additional 5% chance of spawning a chicken jockey. In a chicken-free environment, this gives baby zombies a 0.25% chance of forming a chicken jockey; if chickens are introduced to the area, the chance increases to 0.4875%.

Chicken jockeys may spawn with items equipped. The baby zombie pigman knight always carries a golden sword. Angry baby zombie pigmen and chicken jockeys will fight back in the same way as zombie pigmen.

Chicken jockeys will run around and behave like zombies, but using chicken AI.

Exception is the Pocket Edition.

Chickens will not lay eggs and will disappear like other aggressive mobs.

Chicken Riders fall slowly and take no damage, like chickens.

The chicken moves at the speed of the little zombie, which is faster than the chicken.

The chicken jockey can run through a 1-block-high gap. If the chicken runs into it, the little zombie will suffocate.

Chicken Riders can pick up/equip items.

When a player is not tagged, the chicken jockey will follow the player holding the seed like a normal chicken, but cannot breed.

It is difficult for chicken jockeys to harm players in the water.