Excuse me, what is this file without suffix in Matlab?

Mat is a data file of matlab, which can be directly imported by double-clicking.

Or enter a command through the command window and write an m file import.

If it is file 1.mat in the current directory, directly enter load file 1.

If it is not in the current directory, enter load (['directory \ file1.mat']);

If the file 1 contains three variables a, b and c,

In the imported data space, there are directly three quantities, a, b and c.

If there are duplicate names in the data space, the existing data will be washed away.

You can also name the data when it is loaded.

take for example

data 1 = load(' file 1 . mat ');

The data name in file 1 will become each field of data 1, a structural data.

Will be assigned to

Data 1.a

Data 1.b

Data 1.c

Of course, only one struct cell can be seen in the data space, which is called data 1.