So in the beginning, although Zhen Xuan and Guo Ziyu County had nothing on the surface, in fact, they had the same heart. Therefore, after Zhen Xuan and the emperor left the palace, they lived with King Guo Jun for one hundred years. Kanluoji, our practice place, happens to be the place where Shu practices, so I often visit Shu, and Shu is the biological mother of King Guo Jun, and King Guo Jun also often visits.
When Zhen Xuan had not promised to be with Guo Ziyu County, the two met several times at the residence of Toffee, and played a piano and flute ensemble, which was quite tacit. Although they were not together at that time, Shu knew this day would come. Therefore, when the king of traditional Chinese opera took Zhen Xuan to formally visit Shu Fei, Shu Fei was not surprised at all. When it comes to Zhen Xuan's piano and flute ensemble, she likes Linxi's appearance in her heart. She knows that one day, Linxi will be the only one with empathy.
So later, when Zhen Xuan gave birth to twins, when the emperor gave the princess a title, Zhen Xuan quoted "Although my body doesn't have wings like a phoenix, my heart is connected", and finally named his daughter Linxi. When the emperor thought that Zhen Xuan was talking to his own heart, he gave the title of Princess, but Zhen Xuan's heart already belonged to another place.
It was Shu's words that told her that she knew that the king had a heart-to-heart relationship with her, so she had this idea. However, the emperor didn't know the secret until he died, and it was because he knew the secret that he was heartbroken in the dragon bed. Think about it and feel that the emperor is also very pitiful.