I really don’t understand the relationship between servlet and xml.

There will be a servlet in your web.xml corresponding to your LoginServlet class, which is given in lt;serevlet-classgt;. For example: lt; servletgt; lt;!--?Declare the Servlet object?--gt; lt;servlet-namegt;FirstServletlt;/servlet-namegt; lt;!--?The above sentence specifies the name of the Servlet object?--gt ; lt; servlet-classgt; com.ningmeng.FirstServletlt; /servlet-classgt; lt;!--?The above sentence specifies the complete location of the Servlet object, including the package name and class name?--gt; lt;/servletgt; lt; servlet-mappinggt;lt;!--?Mapping Servlet?--gt;lt;servlet-namegt;FirstServletlt;/servlet-namegt;lt;!--lt;servlet-namegt;It is the same as the above lt;Servletgt;tag ; servlet-namegt; The elements correspond and cannot be named casually?--gt; lt; url-patterngt; /FirsetServletlt; /url-patterngt; lt;!--?The above sentence is used to map the access URL?--gt ;
