In "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp", Hu Bayi did not die. In the ending of "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp", Hu Bayi and Xue Baili Yang went to the United States. The two got married and had a son named Hu Tian. .
Fatty Wang, Uncle Ming, and Guchai also went to the United States to start a business partnership. Professor Sun was so stunned that he gave Hu Bayi and the others a letter explaining everything and died deep in the mountains in Coffin Gorge. Yao Meier went to Beijing to study antiques with Mr. Qiao. Professor Chen Jiuren finally took over Professor Sun’s research results on ancient writings.
Introduction to Hu Bayi.
Hu Bayi is the male protagonist in the famous online novel "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". His first name was: Hu Jianjun (later changed to Bayi because his father felt that there were too many people named Jianjun); occupation :Soldier, self-employed, captain of the army.
Dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to break through, dare to revolution, in one sentence, dare to rebel. You can always find reasons to convince yourself and others. With half of the sixteen-character yin and yang Feng Shui secret technique, you can master the secret of seeking The captain of Dragon Secret, Mojin, was a lonely and courageous man; after retiring, he embarked on the road of exploring tomb robberies with Shirley Yang and Fatty Wang. He fell in love with Shirley Yang and made friends with a group of life and death brothers, which triggered a series of adventures. story.