Questions about naming Qifan

Pentagram wjx=☆ circle yq=○ rhombus lx=◇ square fk=□ triangle sjx=△ pentagram wjx=★ circle yq=● rhombus lx=◆ square fk=■ triangle sjx=▲ space kg= comma dh=, period jh=. Dot yd=· dash pzh=—— double space skg= comma dh=, tilde blh=~ spacer jgh=· ellipsis slh=... single quote dyh='' square bracket fkh=〔〕 book title number smh=《 》 Braces dkh={} Comparison sign dbh=∶ Double quotation marks syh="" Positive and negative signs zfh=± Single book title dsmh=〈〉 Round brackets ykh= () Slash xg=/USD my=$ Vertical book title ssmh= 』 Open bracket kxkh=〖〗 Gender xb=♂ Male symbol xxfh=♂ British pound yb=£ Check mark dg=√ Solid bracket sxkh= Gender xb=♀ Female symbol cxfh=♀ RMB rmb=¥ Double vertical bar ssx=‖ Single prime No. dph=′ Double apostrophe sph=〃 Celsius ssd=℃ No no=№ Degree du=° Minute fen=′ Second miao=〃 Temperature wb=℃ =№ Chapter number zjh=§ Flower cross number hch=※ Left arrow zjt =← Up arrow sjt=↑ Serial number num=№ Thousand sign qfh=‰ Flower a ha=@ Right arrow yjt=→ Down arrow xjt=↓ Question mark wh=? Pound sign jh=# =& plus sign jiah=+ multiplication sign ch=× exclamation point th=! Percent sign bfh=% and he=& minus sign=- division sign ch=÷ colon mh=: less than xy=< equal to dy== less than or equal to xydy=≤ =π semicolon fh=; greater than dy=> approximately equal to ydy =≈ Greater than or equal to dydy=≥ - Go to Quanpin and switch to Quanpin input method and type (radical) and the symbol you want will appear~ Just choose the symbol you want! Supplement,,,, Smart ABC, press the V key and the number keys to get special characters. If you don't have ABC, you can also use Chen Qiao, which can be selected in the control bar. If that doesn't work, use WORD, which has all the symbols, and then copy it into it. Smart ABC will have special symbols when typing v1 - 9. There will also be a few special symbols when inputting in Quanpin. It is in Zhuxian. The symbols input in Quanpin can be used. I just used the two symbols 丶 and 丨.