The ancestor Liu Bang, four sons passed down to Wen Bin from the 60th generation: Jixiang, Bazaar, Jiyun and Jicai. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Sigong and his uncles Yuan and Tao Ergong moved to Hunan from Zaohedu, Meizi City, Taihe County, Jiangxi Province, and lived in Xupu. Mao Ping away from Xinhua; Xu Mushan auspicious residence in Xinning Township, Shaoyang; Ji Mao lives in Shaoyang Jiudu and Yuanling; Ji Yun lived in Xinhua Pingdi and got pregnant and married in the 7th century. The genealogy was revised from the thirty-sixth year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty (1608), and it was revised eight times in 1995. Ming Chenghua 16 (1480) built a ancestral hall on the flat land. Rank: Ji Shao's son, Bing Bianyan, is a handsome friend. Sun Zhifu, Yong Guangting, Chao Fengshi Xian, Qing Sixian, Wei Chu, Ying Jinghua. Since the thirty-fifth century, he has helped Daodeng Zongji, Yao Yelie, the important towns of Taihe, Yuanhong and Guizhan Xinhui, respected filial piety for a long time, respected trees, learned ancient religion in Mingtangdun, and Lan Guixi took off.