Complete list of turtle names

The following are some common turtle names:

1. Little turtle: usually used for younger turtles, it is a cute name.

2. Xuanwu: In Chinese culture, Xuanwu refers to a mythical turtle beast, which has a very high status and significance.

3. Bite turtle: This is a very funny name, because turtles usually do not bite people, so this name is completely a joke.

4. White Queen: This name comes from a turtle named "White Queen", which is one of the most famous tortoises in the world.

5. Pearl: This name is more appropriate because the lines on the turtle shell sometimes look like pearls.

6. Spiral: This is another good name for the patterns on a turtle's shell, because some patterns sometimes take on a spiral or curled shape.

7. Arnold: This name comes from a turtle named Arnold, who is an expert in growing tropical plants.

8. Baby snapping turtle: This is a cute name because snapping turtles look like small crocodiles.

In general, there are many names for turtles, and you can name your turtle based on its personality, characteristics, or other factors to make it a unique feature of your family pet.