The difference between be named after and name after is the usage of the word name. The former is a verb and the latter is a noun.
be named after:?[bi]?[ne?md]?[?ɑ:ft?(r)]
name after: [ne?m]?[?ɑ:ft?(r)]
be named after:?named after…
name after: Naming...
Bilingual examples
be named after:
This child will be named after his father.?
This is quick The baby born will have the same name as his father.
They suggested that it be named after him.?
They suggested that it be named after him.
How a New World bird came to be named after countries halfway around the globe.?
Why did this New World bird come to be named after countries halfway around the globe. name.
name after:
I wrote my name under Penny's.
Also, our family’s reputation is After being ruined by you, it took me several years to rebuild myself.
However, after only 3 years, It decided to stop using IBM's name.