1. The status of countries with superior national and cultural heritage has changed in the international community:
From global warming to 24-hour trading, in fact, the earth has become a whole . The unique charm of culture will be an opportunity for future social prosperity. The advancement of communication and transportation means has made the ecological distance between the earth increasingly "shrinking", facing the global population explosion. Challenges such as air pollution have made it significantly more difficult for countries to control incidents. At the same time, countries with superior cultural characteristics in the world and development advantages may and will become multi-functional entities with great power in the 21st century due to their sufficient cultural resources and information advantages relative to other countries.
2. The rise of knowledge economy:
"Knowledge economy" is an economy that develops in a fully knowledgeable society. Its characteristics are: sustainable economic development. "Knowledge economy" is an economy that promotes coordination and sustainable development between man and nature. Asset investment becomes intangible. "Knowledge economy" is an economy based on the investment of intangible assets. It is the input of knowledge, intelligence and intangible assets that play a decisive role. World economic integration. The world's largest market is one of the main factors for sustained economic growth. Knowledge-based economic decision-making. In the era of knowledge economy, mental work takes the main advantage, and intelligent people themselves become human capital.
3. Economic globalization:
"Globalization" refers to an economy that operates uniformly on an international scale. One of the signs of globalization is the formation of a unified world market. High-tech armed communication links, low transportation costs, and borderless free trade are integrating the entire world into a single market. Coca-Cola, Hollywood blockbusters, McDonald's, KFC, and Windows 98 are all reflections of globalization in our daily lives.
4. High technology has pushed the global economy into a new stage of development:
According to the classification of relevant United Nations organizations, today’s high technology can be divided into eight categories: information science and technology, life science and technology, New energy and renewable energy science and technology, new material science and technology, space science and technology, marine science and technology, high and new technologies beneficial to the environment and management (soft science) science and technology. The scientific community generally believes that biotechnology and information technology will become key technologies affecting the fate of the country in the next century.
5. Information technology and the Internet change people’s lifestyles:
You can click on the icons of credit card companies, department stores or public utility companies on your bank homepage to obtain Information about your account. You'll be able to drill down into your account and payment history. If you have a question about your bill, just send an email instead of writing a separate letter. Sellers may also promote other products and services through your online Bill Review homepage. For the future society, accessing information, learning, entertainment and communication online will become a habit, which will be as natural as picking up the phone to communicate with others or ordering goods from a product catalog today.
6. Consumption tends to be personalized:
According to personal favorite news items, themes, companies, and fund types, you can read a newspaper specially designed for you by turning on your computer. . The application of advanced technology has made it possible to produce various consumer goods on a large scale according to consumers' personal requirements. The improvement of consumers' own quality and consumption level has also made the pursuit of personalization a fashion trend.
7. Future work will have greater freedom:
"Virtual office has become a trend in some developed countries. According to surveys, in the United States in 1994, 1/ About 3 (43.2 million) people work from home at least part of the time, 10 million in Europe and about 1.4 million in the UK.
The advancement of information technology and the development of the communications industry have enabled "teleworking" and " "Working from home" and "virtual working" have become a reality, the emergence of various forms of employment and the implementation of "flexible working systems" have enabled office workers to control their time more freely.
8. Education will undergo major changes from content to form:
The classrooms of the future will be almost unrecognizable, and heavy schoolbags will be replaced by portable computers and microcomputers; human-computer dialogue will be online Learning has become a global phenomenon, and new forms of teaching that add interest and entertainment will become possible. The emergence of new methods such as distance teaching, multimedia teaching, and interactive teaching will greatly improve the efficiency and quality of teaching, and teachers will also face severe challenges.
9. Technology entertainment has become fashionable:
In April 1999, a British musician launched his own online music software. If you use this software, you will become a musician. Home. The entertainment of the future will have incredible charm due to the magical power of science and technology. Fortune magazine predicts that technological entertainment will dominate the 21st century.
10. Environmental problems are becoming more and more prominent. The international community is paying increasing attention:
Global warming, the average temperature of the earth has exceeded the highest value; the damage to the environment caused by storms, floods, and tropical forest fires, endangered species Increasingly… Increasingly serious environmental problems plague global sustainable development. Some researchers say that if this trend is not controlled in the next century, environmental refugees will appear.
The best environmental technologies are being adopted around the world, taking the lead in using them in the fields of energy and agriculture; using renewable energy, cleaning up nuclear waste, preserving tropical rainforests; large-scale tree planting and other measures.